~Casey's Back, & Goodbyes Suck, but Love's Worth it~

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~Q.A.N- The tank in the pic above is the same tank used in the story, except it's meant to be a lot bigger so it's the same thing, just bigger. I also want to let you know that this will be a fairly long chapter with lots of different point of views so brace yourselves, love you all.~

~Casey's POV~

I walked into my old apartment, and went to the guest bedroom, I opened the door and it slowly crept open, I looked at the bed to see Ronda slowly sit up and her eyes went wide.

"Casey Jones, just what do you think you're doing?"

I looked at her feeling a little confused.

"Ronda, since when do you live here?"

"Since three days ago, I ask again, what do you think your doing?"

I let out a sigh before hitting her in the head, knocking her out. I carried her out of the apparent and to my new place. Raph still loves Ronda, everyone knows that. I just happen to plan on using that to my advantage.

~Casey's POV(The Next Day)~

After I took Ronda to the warehouse that I've been staying in, I tied her up and left her there. After I made sure that she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. I walked out of the warehouse and headed back to my van. I pulled out of my spot and headed back to Raph and April's, I waited for April to come out before I got out of my van and grabbed her. I put a chloroform rag to her face waiting for her to pass out. I picked her up, taking her to my van before getting in the front seat, waiting for Raph to leave for the sewers. When I knew he was gone, I went up to the apartment tossing the place around a bit. When I knew it was good enough, I grabbed a piece of paper and pen, writing a note to Raph. I taped the note to the bedroom door before walking back to my van and heading to the warehouse so I could finish my plan. When I got to the warehouse I tied April up, and found two giant cylinder tanks. I filled them each with water plugging them in to see a thick layer of bubbles rise to the top. I smiled picking up April and carrying her to the rafters. I hooked up the crank with rope before tying her hands. I hung her over the tank by a hook that was connected to the rope between her wrists. I did the same to Ronda before leaving and heading to the sewers to do a little provoking all my own.

~April's POV~

I woke up with a massive fucking headache and pain in my wrists. I looked around to see that I was in some kind of warehouse. I looked up seeing that my hands were tied with a hook between them holding me in the air. I looked down and my eyes went wide as I saw a huge cylinder tank filled with water. I heard a small groan and looked over to see Ronda waking up.

"Ronda, are you okay?"

She woke up looking around before looking down and her eyes widened, she looked at me.

"Yeah, I'm okay, what about you?"

"I've been better, who the hell did this to us?"

She let out a sigh.


I felt fear shoot through my body, and it was then that I knew that this wasn't going to end well for one of us. If I'm being honest I hope I live to have a life with Raph.

~Ronda's POV~

I was woken up by the sound of April's voice calling my name, asking me a really dumbass question.

"Ronda, are you okay?"

I woke up with a groan before looking around. I looked up at my hands before looking down. My eyes went wide at the sight of the bubbling tank below, I looked at April.

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