~Leo & Lily, Telling the Family~

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~Leo's POV~

It's been two months since Raph and April got together, I couldn't help but see a change in Lily. I mean throughout all of April's wedding planning she was so excited, it made me think that maybe that's what she wants, maybe she wants a wedding. When she was asleep, I took her finger and found out that if it were to have a ring it would need to be a size eight, I called April and waited until her voice came through the phone.


"Hey April, it's Leo, I need you to do me a favor."

"Sure Leo what's up?"

"I wanna ask Lily if she'll marry me, but I need a ring and I can't go get one myself."

"Good point, so what size does she need?"

"A size eight, and I'll give Raph the picture of the ring and place to go to pick it up so you can go get it alright?"

"Yeah, okay, I'm happy for you Leo, I hope it works out."

"Thanks April, I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it, this one's on me."

"Thanks April."

I hung up the phone, and turned around to see everyone giving me weird looks.


Maci stepped forward giving me a hug.

"Welcome to the family brother."

"Thanks, but you guys can't tell Lily, alright, promise?"

They all nodded their head and I walked back to my room, closing the door and laying next to Lily. I wrapped my arm around her waist and smiled when she rolled over and kissed my nose, I smiled looking into her beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

"It's alright, where'd you go?"

"For a walk."

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Lily, don't worry about it."

She nodded her head before sitting up, I sat up with her and kissed her cheek. We walked out of the room to see Raph and everyone sitting in the kitchen eating, I handed Raph the picture and the address.

"Hey Raph, how's April?"

"She's good, she's at work now, but she'll be here when she's done."

I nodded my head and Lily gave me a weird look before taking my hand, she led me back to our room closing the door.

"Are you in love with April too? If you are you need to tell me so I can go be with Ronda."

"Lily, have you lost your mind? I love you, I'm in love with you. Why would you think that I love April?"

"Well because I know that you talked to her this morning and that it's a big secret. Then you go out there and you hand Raph some message or something and ask about April. What's going on Leo, you've never lied to me before, why start now?"

"Lily, I'm not lying to you, I have a surprise for you. April's helping me set it up since I can't go out during the day. I'm not lying to you Lily, I would never lie to you."

"I know, I'm sorry Leo, I just don't want you to leave me like Raph left Ronda."

"Wait a minute, Raph didn't leave Ronda. She broke up with him, and I'm not going anywhere, I love you Lily."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I'm sorry, I love you too Leo."

I pulled her into a hug holding her for a moment until there was a knock on the door. I pulled away and opened the door to see April standing there, she smiled before I looked at Lily, she got the hint and I looked back at Lily.

"I'll be right back okay?"

She nodded her head and I went out into the hallway. She handed me the ring box and I gave her a hug.

"Thanks April, this means a lot."

"Anytime Leo, good luck."

She walked away and I walked back into the bedroom. I tucked the box away before looking at Lily with a smile.

"You and I are going to have dinner on the roof tonight alright?"


She smiled as she took my hand, I led her out of the sewers and up to our usual rooftop. We sat down on a blanket and ate. When we were done, she rested her head on my chest. We watched the sun set, the stars soon began to shine bright. I looked down at her before pulling out the ring and holding it in front of her, she sat up and looked at me.

"I love you Lily, and I know that I'm never gonna love anyone as much as I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, holding you while you sleep, kissing you goodnight. Being there for you no matter what whenever you need me, I love you. I love your smile, your laugh, I love the way that no matter what you understand me, you get me. I love you Lily, so with that, will you marry me?"

She smiled at me with tears in her eyes.

"Of course I'll marry you, I love you so much Leo."

"I love you more."

I took her left hand sliding the ring on her finger. She smiled at it before taking my face in her hands placing her lips on mine. I smiled at her, and when we pulled away, I stood up holding my hand out to her. I started packing everything up, and we walked back to the sewer hand in hand. We walked to our room figuring that we would tell everyone tomorrow about the happy news. I set everything down before crawling into bed. I wrapped my arms around her holding her close before I kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight Lily, I love you."

"Night Leo, I love you more."

~Leo's POV(Telling the Family)~

I woke up this morning with Lily in my arms, I held her close, kissing her cheek, she stirred a bit before her eyes fluttered open. She rolled over smiling, placing her hand on my chest, she noticed the ring on her finger and a smile came to her face.

"Good morning, Leo."

"Morning Lil."

She smiled, kissing my cheek before sitting up. I took her hand and we walked into the kitchen, I smiled at everyone and they smiled at me. I looked at Lily and she nodded her head smiling at me, I looked at everyone letting out a sigh.

"Everyone, Lily and I have something to tell you."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. I looked at Lily and she smiled holding up her hand with the ring on it.

"Leo and I are getting married."

The girls all went crazy, they jumped up from their seats squealing and hugging us. The guys came over patting me on the back and gave me hugs before they switched. The girls hugged me welcoming me to the family. Splinter gave Lily a hug and welcomed her as his soon to be daughter before he came over. He pulled me into a hug telling me how proud of me he is. That's honestly all I've ever wanted from him. I just wanted him to be proud of me for the person I've become. I kissed Lily on the cheek and the rest of the night we all listened to music and danced around the living room while April took Lily's measurements for her wedding dress. She's going to be the most gorgeous bride and I know because she's the most gorgeous girl on this earth. Inside and out she couldn't be more gorgeous, or more perfect, I love her so much. After everything was done and everyone was passed out in the living room. Lily, Splinter, and I all decided that we should head to bed. I hugged Splinter and Lily kissed his cheek before we walked down to our room. We crawled into bed and I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her close, kissing her cheek.

"I love you Lil."

"I love you more Leo."

We then fell into a peaceful sleep in each other's arms.

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