Chapter 19

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Warning: This book contains a lot of profanity and sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with any themes mentioned you may exit at any time. Please be advised!


You and Levi were still having sex. It was almost midnight, and you still lacked sufficient life energy. "Oh... Oh... Ah... Ha..." Your moans, screams, and Levi's groans filled the air.

Levi finished and slouched down on the pillow, exhausted. "Levi? Are you alright? Recently, you've been so worn out. Are you not doing too much? "Have you been hurt somewhere?" You questioned as you swiftly approached his side.

"I'm good. How are you doing? Have you received enough life energy?"

"I'm fine, but... "

"But? Do you want more? " He says while grabbing your butt.

"Hey! Don't make fun of me like that! I was concerned for you!" You say this while pinching his hand.

You pout and turn the other way. " Hey, you brat, don't make that face. I am aware that you are trying not to smile."

"You are! " When he starts tickling you, you immediately begin to laugh.

"Haha, stop it! " He pauses quickly as you giggle.

"I haven't been feeling well recently, I don't know why. Erwin must have done something to me to cause that. I'm not sure how long he'll continue to abuse us like this. However, at this moment, I'll do anything for you." He kisses your hand while giving a small smile.

"Levi... " At the outer corners of your eyes, tears begin to form.

He tightly embraces you. "I won't allow anyone to take you away from me, no matter what."

"Yeah. "


"I'll sneak out as Eren a little earlier than usual tonight because it's the engagement party." Levi addresses you while donning a wig. You went to the entrance to bid him farewell.

"Is it all right if you miss an important event...?"

"It is a significant event; the ship will be at sea all night, and I won't return until well after midnight. I'll see you later." He says as he kisses your forehead.

"All right, be careful." You giggled as you followed him out with concern in your eyes.

"Are you worried about him?"

You turn around in surprise. "Erwin! What did you do to Levi? What is this handicap you refer to?"

"You might not have noticed, but I altered the manner in which you take in his life force," Erwin replies with a smirk, leaving you confused.

"Huh? What are you referring to?"

"As a result, Levi's life energy hasn't been able to fully recharge. That explains why he has been so ill. Even if Levi may still be persistent, his efforts will be for nothing if he persists." Erwin adds while flashing a shit-eating sneer on his face.

"T-That's- could you please stop? If you keep doing this, Levi will be in too much pain; he's had enough." As you beg, Erwin grinned.

"Well, how about this then?" He displays a knife.

"A knife?"

"Don't you recall what I said earlier? 'In order to become human, you had to absorb the life force of humans.' I meant to say, 'To live in a human body.' I never claimed that you would attain full humanity. You are only a mermaid who changed into a human, in other terms. All of Levi's problems would go away if you turned back into a mermaid. There is no use to the curse if you are not even somewhat impacted."

You are shocked as you hear him speak. "What should I do with the knife?"

"Just plunge it into Levi's chest. You will revert to your original form if it comes into contact with the blood of the person you love." Erwin grinned evilly.

"What? I can't! It would be foolish for me to kill Levi in order to rescue myself". You strike Erwin's chest with your fists, feeling angry.

"I expected you to say that." Erwin begins to develop large, black wings.

"Well, you could require that at some point. Till then, take care." Once more, he vanishes into thin air.

'It'll never happen!' Why on earth did Erwin even bother to tell me? But...' His words continue to echo in your mind.

'Levi needs to know about this, though. that his burden is a result of this. How can I possibly tell him? I still haven't told him the most important part.'

A carriage stopped in front of the cottage home while you were deep in thought.

"[Name], we are here to pick you up." From the carriage, a woman and a few guys exit.


"I work for Lady Petra. The entertainment for tonight is on you."

As the woman approaches you more closely, you start to worry. "Lady Petra wishes to serve you as a dancing girl, to make up for the hurt you gave her." In disbelief, your eyes are wide.

'What? Lady Petra?'

"Now then, into the carriage." A man grabs you and pulls you into the carriage.


"Let me go! Ah!" Despite your screams, you are thrown into the carriage. As you watch the door close, your eyes widen in shock.

"If you refuse, I've been instructed to inform the majesty of everything."

You gasp. ' Lady Petra is aware and Levi?!'

The woman is seated opposite you. 'Of course, you and Levi need some sort of punishment, don't you think? We've planned what you'll wear."

'No matter what, I have to accept her cruelty. But why should Levi also receive a penalty? Heaven's no! Without fail, I must dance! I'm going to dance until whatever awful night befalls Levi is over.'


"Levi! "I have bad news!" Eren rushes inside Levi's room.

"Eren, what is it?"

"[Name] has been kidnapped! Petra seemed to have preparations for the celebration tonight. She already has her on the boat." Levi stands up and rushes out the door, Eren close after him.

"What? Damn that woman! This is not good. If I don't get her off that boat by midnight.....Eren, I have to go to tonight's-" Levi collapses to the ground on his knees, gripping his throbbing head.

"Levi, are you all right?" Eren walks over to him.

"I'm fine,"

'My body is weakening by the day. 'However, if I don't hurry...[Name] will....' Levi collapses to the ground with a thump.

"LEVI! Hey, Levi! LEVI, wake up!" Eren yells, shaking him.

'I have to...hold on.'

"We'll shortly be on land." Hold on until then, you have to."

Ah, a memory from the past. The girl who saved me. Did she have a tail? A mermaid?

In a state of shock, Levi opens his eyes.


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