[1.5] Difficulty.

663 58 15

"No, Si. The start of sentences is the most important and it's easier to remember," I stated, before shoving some of the very high quality chips into my mouth.

Simon, who was kicking little rocks and pebbles into the river we were sat by, frowned; digging into his own portion.

"And remember them for names too, right?" He asked, and I nodded profusely; sending him a proud grin.

"Yes! We'll start with that for now, yeah?" I asked, he just nodded.

"If I forget, will you remind me?" He asked rather adorably, my lips curved; I couldn't help it.

"Yes, hon. I'll remind you," I sighed momentarily, licking over my fingertips as I finished eating.

Simon and I were sat up against a damp log, since it rained the previous night.

It was pretty cold out on that particular day, but I didn't mind. It's not like we had any place better to go.

"What about months and days? Do they need them too? I'm still confused about that," He asked; seeming to ignore the fact that I wanted to break him back into it step by step.

"Yes. All months and all days, but I'd say remembering what I told you earlier is more important; yeah?"

"Okay.." He mumbled before his orbs seemed to glare past the river longingly.

"How are you in Maths?" I asked, knowing that he struggled, or at least used to struggle, in some aspects of that too; and I was pretty decent at it.

Minter shrugged, "Not bad. Mr. Roberts is really lovely and helps me get a better understanding on hard stuff.." He paused, "It's weird, isn't it? They say there's no real right answer to English but there is always one in Maths; yet I seem to struggle with not getting right answers in a subject where there is none.."

"It's not that your answers are wrong, Simon. You just aren't always using the right techniques. There's always time for improvement," I assured, throwing my arm around him, though I left it lingering on the log just behind his frame. "How's your reading, then?"

Simon tossed his now empty white paper bag to the side of his body. His hands then slithered into his pockets and he leaned back; turning his head to me.

"Hm.." He glanced away for a moment as he thought about it. "I think I just read too slowly, if I don't then that leads to me thinking the text says something else. I did that in the start of year exam, I think that's why I failed.."

"I'll help you with that too then, another time. Sound good?"

"Yep," he chirped, resting his head back so that it was on my forearm. He was facing me, grinning with those admirable dimples on display. "I don't have to be great at English do I?" He asked.

"Depends what you want to do as a career," I responded, sending him the slightest of shrugs.

"I kinda like art. Maybe I could do that as a job, doesn't mean I'd have to write all the time,"

"Still, it depends on what you would actually want to do in art work. If it was more or a practical side to it; like being a painter or maybe a tattoo artist; you wouldn't have to worry too much about the English. But, if you wanted to be a reviewer or possibly create some articles or a blog maybe to show your own work; it would play an important part in it."

The blonde huffed, face sinking into his chest. "I just like drawing.." Minter mumbled simply.

I simpered a little, just the way he said it was really.. Cute.

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