Chapter 13: New Frienamies

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Bri's pov:

"Bri!" Camryn ran into the gameroom where i was playing sims.

"Whaa" i groaned, slowly turning my head away from the screen my eyes had been glued on.

"Alanna is coming over. The girl from the airport. We are gonna film a video for my channel, wanna join?"

"Yeah sure. Let my exit out this." I turned back and saved the game, quickly closing out of it afterwards. I stood up and followed Cam down the stairs and into her room. She set up the lights and the camera and sat down.

Camryn's pov:

The doorbell went off. "I got it!" I yelled running to the entrance of the Phlat. I opened the door to reveal Alanna standing there, nervously fiddling her hands around. "Hey!"

"Heyo." She stumbled into the living room. "Its bigger them the videos make it look"

"Yeah i thought the same." I dragged her around and gave her a quick tour. I brought her to Phils room and barged in even though they were filming PINOF 8. "DADS PLEASE EDIT THIS BUT ALANNA IS HERE!" I turned my head to see Dan leaning against the wall in an attempted yoga pose with phil pretending to eat him, i think.

"Do we want to know?" Asked Alanna.

"Im obviously a zombie flamingo being feasted on by a crow, duh." Dan briefly explained.

"Hey Alanna!" Phil exclaimed. He ran over and engulfed her in a hug. Dan atempted to carefully get out of his pose, but it was to no avail as he fell fowards and face planted into a pair of Phil's underwear.

"Hi." He stated in obvious pain of the fall. "Im just gonna lay here now." Dan assumed the existential crisis position and I ran to the camera. I detached it from the tripod and zoomed in on Dan.

"Oh no it's happening again." Alanna stated and Phil and I busted out into laughter.

"Anyways," I began handing Phil the camera. "Were gonna go now."

"You're just gonna leave me with Existential Dan?" Phil questioned.

"Bye dad!' I ran out and shut the door.

"Really Camryn! Thanks a lot!" I laughed.

"Love you!" I showed Alanna to my room.

"Wait, isn't this Dan's room?" I waited for it to sink in. "Wait, no, is it... are they... what... AHH" she screamed. Dan and Phil ran out of their room to see what was wrong.

"Alanna are you okay?" Phil asked worriedly.

"Phan is real?!" She gasped excitedly. "Isn't it?" She jumped around attempting to contain her excitement.

"Well," Dan took a deep breath, "yes it is. But you can't tell anyone!" She nodded her head and ran around the hallway. I laughed and grabbed her arm and brought her into my room where Bri was waiting for us.

"Oh, hi. I wasn't expecting you to be here too." Alanna stated flatly when she saw Bri.

"Yeah..." Bri paused. "Hey Alanna!" She put on a smile and ran up to Alanna to hug her. Alanna reluctantly accepted the hug. "Sorry, not much of a hug person are you?" Alanna shook her head no and smiled. "Yeah I'm quite bubbly so I love hugs. But I'll mark it that you don't."

"Thanks, so..." Alanna paused, "what are we filming exactly."

"Just a challenge video. But we have to wait for Dan and Phil to stop filming so we don't hear them in the backround. Sound quality and shit"

"Ah okay. Is Bri in it?" She questioned.

"Yes I am!" She chirped.

"Great." Alanna responded flatly. "Let's set up then. Oh and can we film for my channel aswell? I want to do a cover but I need people who can sing to be in it."

"Yeah sure!" Bri excitedly said as she loved to sing. I nodded in agreement.

"Actually, I wad thinking we just do Camryn and I in it." Alanna said.

"Oh, okay." Bri plastered on a fake smile. Just then Dan knocked on the wall 3 times which meant it was good to start filming as they were done. Bri knocked 2 times so they knew to stay quiet. "Yeah let's just set up."

"What was the knocking about?"

"Oh we have a 1-5 knock code. Kind-of like moris code but each amount pertains to filming." I explained. Alanna nodded questionably.

"Okay so let's film the challenge. It's a baking challenge. We each have 20 minutes to recreate one of the treats that Dan and Phil have made in their videos. But you can't tell anyone else what youre making. You pick it from a hat then you show the camera." I explained in a breif summary. I grabbed the two cameras and the lights then head to the kitchen to set up. I set out the ingredients that would be needed for the three treats in the hat and put them in different 'stations' and placed the corresponding utensils that would be needed too. I turned on the camera and did my intro.

"Hey crew its Camryn! And welcome to my challenge video that i promised I would do. Let me say thank you so much for 200,000! So today's video is the recreation baking video I promised you guys I'd do. So with me I have Bri," she jumped off of the counter and landed next to me. "And I also have my friend Alanna!" She slid in on her heels amd smashed into me. I turned to see she had a cowboy hat on.

"Howdy y'all my name is 'Lanna. But y'all can call me 'Lan for short." She said in an attempted Southern Accent. We bursted out into laughter.

"Just kidding Hi I'm Alanna! Nice to meet you!" She pretended to shake the camera's Non-existent hand.

"Anyways let's get started!" We grabbed our paper's and ran to the station with the correct supplies. "Three, two, one, go!"


Not much drama but its coming.

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