Chapter Four: No more

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Eleven looked at the dead demogorgon head. There had to be some way she could use it to her advantage. She looked at the edges, where it had been separated from the rest of the demogorgon when she and the head had been transported back to the underground. And then she saw it. Blood
The demogorgon could smell blood. But there were no more demogorgons. At least she hoped. Now she just had to find a way out.
Or did she.
Eleven knew that in this alternate dimension there were unlimited possibilities. There could be monsters here she knew nothing about, or there could be more demogorgons. No one was safe.
And it was all her fault.
She had opened that portal.
She had made contact with the demogorgon.
Now she had to put a stop to it.
She knew where the portal was, the trick was figuring out how to get to it and close it.
Two hours of walking later, El continued walking towards the portal. Her bare feet were blistered and bloody. The sleeves of her dress had ripped and stray branches and had reopened scrapes on her arms, face, and legs. But she was determined to save her friends.
I will not let them die because of me. I've already caused so many deaths with my powers.
She stood in front of the portal and took a deep breath. She would never see Mike again. She could never go to the snowball with him like they had promised. She missed him. She missed Lucas and Dustin and the boy's caring nature and the way they had accepted her.
She didn't know she was crying until the silent tears landed on the very tip of her lips. She didn't know if she could close it without the help of the sensory deprivation tank. She would use all she had again if she had to.
She clenched her fists and concentrated, her mind on the portal. She squeezed her eyes shut.
"No more." She whispered.
She felt her nose bleed, and she heard the faint sound of the portal closing.
When she opened her eyes again it was closed.
She was standing in Hawkins lab.
Surrounded by ash and whatever that was on the wall. And the faintest sound of breathing. That was not her own.

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