Chapter Thirteen: You Can't Always Be The Hero

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"Shit no..." Lucas said, his head in his hands "What are we going to do"
Mike thought for half a second, before coming up with a plan. "Lucas, take El and run. Call Will from the walkie-talkie and he can open a portal to get you out."
"Dude no." Lucas said, quite obviously disapproving of Mike's plan. "We came in with two to rescue a third. I'm not leaving you here."
"Leave" Eleven asks Mike, confused. Lucas shakes his head, and Mike knows there's no changing his mind.
"Look, just listen to me for five minutes. I promise you I will get to you. Alive." Mike says to the two
"Well tell us whatever you have to say quickly, because there are two of them there just waiting to eat us." Lucas said with a sigh, knowing their only way of survival is to trust him.
"When I say go, take El's hand and run out the back door. Just keep running until you're at a building you recognize. Then when I call you on the walkie-talkie, tell me where you are. Got it?" Mike asks the two. Lucas nodded, taking El's hand.
One of the two demogorgons began to claw at the wall, fighting it's way through.
"GO!" Mike yelled, racing up the stairs. The other two bolt out the door without another word.

Mike's heart pounds as he reaches the top of the stairs. The moment he does, he takes a knife from his bag, and in one fluid motion, flips the blade out and slices a cut on his arm. He winces a bit, but quickly wraps the cut with a ripped piece of his shirt.
He stops breathing for a moment when he hears the noise of the demogorgons. One of the demogorgons was climbing a wall behind him, it was outside the house. He knew it wouldn't stay that way. The other one was quickly climbing up the stairs. He ran to Nancy's room, both demogorgons only a step behind.
One pounced on him, sinking his jagged teeth into his leg. Mike yelled out in pain. He used his other leg and began to kick the head of the demogorgon off his other leg. As soon as he was free from its grasp, he launched himself towards the open window near Nancy's bed. He  swung his legs through the window and let himself fall, deciding that he would either die from the demogorgons or from the fall, but at least there was a slight chance of survival if he jumped out of the window.

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