Chapter Twenty Three: Leaving

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The two of them sat there in the hospital for a week, Mike teaching El more English, El catching on quickly and amazing Mike.
"Mr....." their nurse trailed off, tapping her clipboard with a pen habitually
"Wheeler." Mike finished for her
"Right, Wheeler. Look, we've done everything we can for you, I know your mother insisted you stay until you're healthy, but it might be better for you to go home."
"What about Eleven?" Mike asked, glancing at El out of the corner of his eye with a worried look.
"She needs to stay for a while longer, she had some severe damage done to her lungs, and she's very malnourished."
Mike sighed. "Okay" he said softly. "As long as I can visit her regularly"
"During visiting hours."
"Understood." He replied to the nurse.
And with that, they were separated again.

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