Chapter Five: Alive?

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"I'm telling you guys. She's alive." Mike said to the three boys
"So you called us here to tell us another theory of how she's "alive"?" Lucas asked with a sigh
"Come on Mike, it's been six months." Dustin said softly "She's gone."
The boys sat in silence for a moment.
"I know what I saw." Mike said, beginning to doubt himself.
"He's right." Will said quietly. The three boys turned to him.
"How do you know?" Mike asked excitedly "Have you seen her?"
"Yes and no." Will replied, his head bent, his voice still quiet.
"What do you mean?" Mike said, moving closer to the boy.
"I've been having these....episodes...of sorts." Will said, nervously tripping over his words "You've all, especially Mike, noticed how I keep disappearing off to the bathroom, right?" The boys nodded "I throw up these things....slugs I guess. And I get these flashes, where everything around me is as it was in the upside down." They paled at his words, Mike sick to his stomach with worry. "I get one or both at least every hour, if not half hour. And the episodes are getting increasingly long."
"Have you told your mom?" Lucas asked
"Not yet."
"How long have these been going on?"
"Since I left the hospital."
"So why the hell haven't you told anyone?" Mike asked, sounding angry
"I thought they would go away."
"Will, these have gone on for six months, they're not just going to "go away"." Mike said, as if it were obvious
"I know....I just"
"I'm not loosing you too, Will." Mike said, the emotion in his voice evident "Either you tell your mom, or I will."
Will sighed. "Fine." He said, with a defeated tone.
"But Will.." Mike said softly "Did you really see her?"
Will nodded "I promise you."
Mike nearly cried he was so happy.

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