Chapter Seventeen: Hopper

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Will! Open the portal!
The boys were startled by the noise from the walkie-talkie. Johnathan took it from the floor.
"This is Johnathan. Are you guys okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?" He asked worriedly
Mike's hurt. He's going in and out of consciousness.
Nancy gasped, clasping a hand to her mouth. Her worry for her brother was increasing by the second.
Johnathan thought for a moment. He looked at Will.
"I'm waking up mom. We can't send three kids to the hospital with no explanation. She'll know what to do."
He woke up Joyce. She was angry with Will for not telling her about anything and with Johnathan for not waking her up sooner. She knew, however, that there were more pressing matters at hand. She phoned officer Hopper.
"Hopper, they're in the upside down and they're hurt."
"Who?" The tired officer replied "Joyce what are you talking about?"
"Mike and Lucas. They went in to save Eleven. They're almost home, but they're hurt badly. I can't call an ambulance without being asked questions that I can't answer."
Hopper sighed, "I'll take care of it. It'll be there soon." With that he hung up.
"He says there's an ambulance on the way" Joyce explains to the boys and Nancy. "Will, you need to open the portal." Everyone but Will picks up a weapon, while he  stares at the wall in concentration. A portal begins to form, and Will struggles to keep it open.
Five agonizing minutes go by as they wait. Then Lucas comes in to view. He sees them.
"Help." His voice is weak "I can't carry them much more"
Johnathan quickly climbs through the portal without another thought. He picks up Mike and Eleven and uses his arm as support for Lucas.
The four come out of the portal in a heap. Will quickly closes it. Preventing his brain from thinking of the upside down.
Nancy takes Eleven from Johnathan, and Will and Dustin carry Lucas. They bring them to the front of the house and are met by stretchers and flashing lights.
"We are told to be on a no questions policy by order of Officer Hopper." The paramedic says to Joyce as the others place the three injured kids on stretchers.
She nods.
They climb into different vehicles. Nancy and Dustin with Mike, Johnathan with Eleven, and Will and Joyce with Lucas, and they head towards the hospital.

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