Chapter Nine: El?

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Will took a deep breath, preparing him for what was coming. He walked slowly, taking cautious steps. Going back into the upside down and being near a demogorgon was his worst fear. It had taken him weeks, months even, to recover mentally and physically from his last trip to this retched place. But still, he was doing what he could to help the girl his best friend was oh too obviously head over heels in love with.
He knew he had to find her quickly. These episodes only lasted so long. He navigated to where he had been found, near the kids section in the real world library. And there she was, bloody and rapped in a cocoon of what was all over the walls. Watching for demogorgons, he hurriedly ran towards her.
She was pale, and looked lifeless. He pulled her from the cocoon, ripping off the strands that covered her. He quickly checked for a pulse. She was alive and breathing. He exhaled a breath he didn't know he had been holding.
He shook her awake.
"El?" He whispered quietly
Her eyes fluttered open. "Mike?" She asked in response.
"It's Will." He said "I'm here to make sure you're alive, and figure out how to save you. "
El shivered. "No." She whispered, her voice empty "Keep you safe. Go home."
"Not without you." He said whilst removing his coat for her. She gratefully took the coat, hurriedly putting it on. Will knew he was about to leave.
"Take my hand!" He said to El, hoping he could bring her back with him.  She grabbed his hand, and squeezed her eyes shut as they were sucked through the portal.

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