Chapter Twenty One: Okay?

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The nurse smiled at the two. She found young love to be rather sweet.
"Is there anyone in particular you'd like to see first?" She asked
"Friends." Eleven said meekly. The nurse looked to Mike to see if he was in agreement with this. He grinned and nodded.
"Alright dears, you just sit tight, I'll go get them." The nurse said with a smile. She turned and walked to the door, and stepped outside.
"Dustin, Lucas, Will; Mike Wheeler and Eleven have requested to see you"
The faces of the three boys lit up as they scrambled out of their chairs, racing towards the door.
Lucas was the first to make it through. Followed by Dustin and a still slightly sickly looking Will.
The three stopped, taking in the scene in front of them. Mike was covered in various casts and bandages. He looked at their faces, as they stared at his injuries.
"Yeah..." he said, trailing off "I may have broken more than I thought."
"Okay, explain." Will said, gesturing to his injuries. The statement had been vague, but Mike knew what he meant.
"So, I broke my entire arm. From the shoulder down. I sprained my ankle and other wrist, and I broke my nose." Elven closed her eyes, and concentrated. Mike jumped a little, feeling his nose and wrist.
"Okay forget my wrist and nose." He said, slightly confused. He looked over at El. She was laying down in the hospital bed with her eyes closed. Dustin, Lucas, and Will all looked over at her, surprised. They had forgot she was there, for a second, and the forgot the extent to which her powers work.
"Please don't..." he said softly "you need your strength"
"Help...." she said weakly, opening her eyes ever so slightly, and trying ever so slowly to sit up, before giving up and returning to laying down.
"I know you want to help, but you can't even sit up right now or breathe on your own. Focus on your recovery not mine, I'll get better."
"Promise." He replied. Dustin watched as Eleven tried again to sit up. He walked over towards her bed, avoiding entanglement in the jumbled mess of cords keeping the frail girl alive.
"Do you want to sit up?" Dustin asked her. She nodded slightly in reply. "Here" he said, taking the remote and pressing the up button. "This should raise it so you're sitting up." Her bed slowly rose. She smiled. This of course, made them all smile. They had gone to extensive lengths to rescue this girl, it was nice to see her happy.

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