Awkwardly Meeting The Parents

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(Y/n)'s PoV

You and Shawn had been dating for about three months now and you still hadn't met Shawn's parents. It's not that Shawn didn't want you to, it's because you felt like you would embarrass yourself and make a bad first impression. Shawn thought you were being ridiculous and said that his parents would love you.

At the moment you were watching a horror movie with Shawn in his room. His parents were going to be out late so you could stay for a while and then he would drive you home around an hour before they were supposed to be back.

"Shawn I need foooood." You whined

"Then go get some." He replied, a smile forming on his face.

"Can you get me some?" You asked, using puppy dog eyes to try get him to cave in.

"Nope. You go get some food yourself." He chuckled at your shocked expression. The puppy dog face hadn't worked.

"Ugh fine. You're so mean." You joked, flinging the blanket off of you and hopping off the bed.

You pounded down the stairs as fast as you could and slid into the kitchen, nearly knocking one of the chairs over since you had hit off of it. You chuckled to yourself at how clumsy you were and turned on the little lights on the counter then walked over to the fridge.

There was nothing in the fridge that you liked so you opened the freezer, hoping to find the tub of cookie dough ice cream that you and Shawn had shared a few days before.

You looked through the freezer and pulled the tub out when you found it on the bottom shelf. You closed the door and screamed louder then you ever had before, as there was someone behind the door. You could only see the silhouette of the person which made you even more frightened.

The person switched on the lights and you let out a sigh of relief when you realised it was only Shawn. He was standing there in a fit of laughter, hunched over with his hands on his knees.

"You should've seen y-your face." He struggled to say, catching his breath and wiping his watery eyes from laughing so hard.

"I hate you." You said, scowling at him.

You walked over to the drawers where the cutlery was and pulled out a big spoon. There wasn't much ice cream left in the tub so you didn't need a bowl.

You turned around to be greeted by Shawn pinning you to the counter and whispering in your ear.

"You don't mean that." He smirked against your skin.

"Maybe I do." You smirked back, trying to make him angry.

"Take it back." He looked you straight in the eyes.


He raised his eyebrows and gave you a cheeky smirk then crashed your lips together, the two of you battling for dominance. After a minute he pulled away and started leaving kisses on your jaw and neck. He found your sweet spot and lightly sucked on it making you moan.

"S-Shawn." You moaned "Stop i-it."

He instantly stopped sucking on your neck and came back up to your lips. He hoisted you up to sit on the counter, not breaking the kiss. His hand started going up his shirt that you were wearing, making your Harry Potter underwear visible as you were only wearing Shawn's shirt and your underwear.

"Shawn!" Someone shouted from behind the two of you. You jumped slightly and pulled away trying to catch your breath.

Shawn turned around muttering a 'shit' under his breath. You peeked out from behind Shawn and saw a man and a woman standing there, who you assumed were Shawn's parents. The man stood there with a look of amusement on his face while the woman stood there, arms crossed looking slightly pissed.

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