3. The Start

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>>> The Morning

The sunlight peeked through the curtains covering the window, it's soft rays illuminating Marina's sleeping figure. She scrunched up her nose, making a face and slowly opened one eye and then the other.

She blinked a couple of times, adjusting her vision to the brightness of the room , and let out quiet groan. Her hand went up to clutch her head, rubbing her temple softly.

I shouldn't have drank last night.

Last night. Realization washed over and she turned her head to the side, meeting a wide awake Luke. He smiled softly at her and her eyes widened.

"O-oh God..don't tell me we..." She instantly pulled the blankets off of her and sighed in relief. She was still in the same clothes as yesterday, her jacket and boots being the only thing that was taken off.

Luke sat up and Marina averted her gaze from his naked torso up to his eyes. Hurt could be seen in them. "You thought we fucked?"

Marina gulped and nodded, feeling a bit ashamed of herself. Luke shook his head and rested his hand on her shoulder and Marina winced.

"You were drunk Marina. I wouldn't take advantage of you. If we were to fuck, I'd want you to not be drunk and oblivious of what's happening." He told her with a slight smirk.

Marina scoffed and shoved his shoulder, but since she wasn't as strong as him, he didn't budge. She watched as his gaze fell on her shoulders. She followed his eyes and gasped. There were bruises in the shape of handprints. She winced again as his fingers lightly traced over them, the cocky smirk on his lips replaced with a frown.

"How did that happen?" She blurted out. Luke looked at her and bit his lip, knowing he had to come up with a lie.

"Uh...you were dancing with this guy...guess his grip was too tight." He lied and hoped it would convince her.

Marina gave him a look and shrugged it off. They were just bruises. It could've been worse. Right?

She swung her legs over to the side of the bed and stood up, slipping her boots on and grabbing her phone and jacket. "Thanks for letting me sleep here..with you" she said a bit awkwardly, a hint of pink forming on her cheeks.

Luke got up as well and slipped on a shirt. "Yeah..no problem."

"Um..do you have an extra toothbrush? My mouth probably reeks of alcohol." He nodded and led her out of the room. He brought her into the bathroom and pulled out and unopened toothbrush from one of the drawers and handed it to her.

He shut the door behind him as he walked out and Marina quickly brushed her teeth with a lot of toothpaste. She looked in the mirror and rubbed under eyes, wiping away the mascara that smudged and pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

She walked out and met with Luke, who was smiling and went in the bathroom to brush his teeth as well. She leaned against the wall and heard voices coming from the living room, one she recognized as Chelsey's.

Marina trailed behind Luke as he walked down the hall and into the living room where everyone was at. They all stopped talking once they walked in and she felt awkward and self conscious.

"U-um...good morning", she stuttered out.

Chelsey looked back and forth between her and Luke and squealed. Marina took notice of her behavior and shook her head vigorously. "No, no, no, Chelsey. Nothing happened."

Chelsey murmured a 'sure' and cuddled up to Beau's side. Daniel was currently still passed out on the couch, snoring rather loudly. Jai seemed to be playing FIFA, paying no attention to Marina.

"Chels...if you're gonna stay here longer, can you give the keys? I'd like to go home now."

Just as she finished speaking, Jai paused his game and looked over at her with a slight glare. "What? Are we too boring for you?" He sneered out.

Marina was taken aback, her breath catching in her throat as she shook her head. "N-no. It's not that. I have to work later and I need to get ready."

Jai shook his head and went back to his game. Chelsey walked up to Marina and handed her the keys to the car. "I'll text you later, okay?"

Marina nodded and smiled at her best friend. With the keys in one hand, she used the other to wave at everyone as she walked over to the front door.

"Marina, wait!" Luke walked over to her and held his hand out. "Give me your phone."

Marina looked at him and handed her phone to him after unlocking it. He typed something in and handed it back to her. "Text me, call me, FaceTime me whenever. Maybe we could hang out sometime."

A loud crack was heard throughout the living room and her and Luke turned their heads at the same time. Jai now sat with a broken controller in his hands and Marina furrowed her brows at his odd behavior.

She turns back to look up at Luke and smiled sweetly. "Yeah. I'd like that. Bye Luke." She made her way out the door and unlocked the car, getting in and starting the engine.

She sat there for a few seconds, taking in the events that happened this morning and last night. Her hand made its way up to her shoulder and rubbed it softly. She still wasn't sure if it was just dancing that caused it but she shrugged it off and backed out of their driveway.

>>> Weeks Later

A few weeks had passed by since the party and Luke had been texting her nonstop. She found it kind of adorable and would reply to his texts almost immediately if she wasn't working or in class.

She had grown rather close with the boys and had gotten to know them much better. All except Jai.


She didn't know why she was so hung up on this boy. She had never felt like this before. And the worse part was that she didn't know how she felt.

He would have his moments where he would be rude and ignore her presence completely then he would be friendly and actually talk to her.

He was doing things to her and making her feel things she couldn't explain. Lately, he had been nothing but rude and lashing his anger out at her. She was sure he hated her. But why?

What was his problem?


This chapter was kinda hard to write.

So she thinks Jai hates her. Anyone have ideas as to why he's acting all bitchy?

Comment, vote, yeah?

Sorry if there were any mistakes!

Love you all!

Diana xx

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