4. Friends.

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Marina let out a frustrated groan as she once again looked through the giant pile of laundry on her bedroom floor. It looked like a tornado of clothes passed by,  chucking clothes everywhere.

She was trying to find her favorite hoodie she used when she ran or did any type of exercise. Of course she had many other hoodies of different colors but her black one was her all time favorite.

Marina picked herself up from the floor and thought back to when the last time she wore it. It wasn't long ago, maybe about a week.

She made her way of out her small bedroom and downstairs to look for  Chelsey and question her about her damn hoodie.

"Chelsey, have you seen my bla- oh", Marina's cheeks flushed. Chelsey was standing in the living room with Beau and Luke. Her hands went to cover her stomach since she was only in a sports bra and leggings. "I-I didn't know you guys were here."

Beau chuckled and shook his head. "No need to stutter, Marina. You don't have to be shy around us."

Her red cheeks turned into a soft pink as she looked down, biting her lower lip gently. Luke walked up to her and gently lifted her chin up, meeting her gaze.

"Beau's right, Marina. You shouldn't  feel shy or uncomfortable around us. Especially with that banging body of yours", he winked at her and Marina scoffed, shoving his shoulder.

Chelsey let out a laugh and pointed behind Marina. "Your sweater is right there on the couch. Right where you left it last time."

Marina smiled sheepishly and turned around. Like Chelsey said, it was right there, thrown carelessly on the arm of the couch.

Maybe I should clean up after myself, Marina thought to herself as she slipped on her hoodie. "Right. Anyway, I'm going out for run. I'll see you soon."

Chelsey nodded, her arms around Beau's torso. "Okay. We're probably just gonna hang here and order some food. Be careful"

Marina gave her a two finger salute and made her way out the door. She pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and put her earphones in, blasting music as she began jogging down the sidewalk.

It was nearing dusk and Marina found herself sitting in a park bench, watching the sun go down. She had only been out for a few hours, not just running but also running a few quick errands.

Footsteps neared where she was sitting and Marina tensed up. It was getting late and the park was empty, so who would be out here right now too?

Marina turned her head and was surprised to find Jai walking. Her heart began to race as she realized he was walking towards her.

"Jai? What...what are you doing here?" She asked cautiously, not knowing what type of mood he was in since he seemed to be bipolar whenever she's around.

Jai stopped next to the bench and looked down at her. "I could ask you the same thing."

"I was out running", she replied, biting her lip.

Jai's eyes trailed down to her lips, watching her actions. He wanted to nothing but tell her to stop doing that because it bothered him extremely.

Okay. That was a lie.

It was a huge turn on.

Jai broke out of his thoughts and cleared his throat. "You shouldn't be out here at this time. It's well...it's dangerous for someone like you."

He tried to sound as concerned as possible but Marina was taken aback by this. It angered her.

How dare he act so caring and protective now when just a few days ago he was going on about how annoying she was and how he didn't give a damn about her. He was nothing but a cocky asshole.

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