On the Black Pearl

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Arabella's P.O.V.

We've been sailing for a couple of days, and we weren't given any food once we sailed into the night. One night, I was sitting in a chair reading a book, while Lizzie paced around the room. We stopped when we heard the cabin doors open and saw the fat pirate, known as Pintel, and the skinny pirate, Ragetti, come in carrying dresses.

Elizabeth walked towards them and I placed the book on the table, getting to my feet.

"You two will be dinning with the captain," Pintel told us.

I walk towards them, stopping beside Elizabeth.

"And he requests you wear these," he motioned to the dresses they were holding.

I shook my head no, while Elizabeth repeated the words Barbossa told us several nights ago. Pintel and Ragetti glanced at one another.

"He said you'd say that" Pintel spoke again smiling, showcasing his rotten teeth. "He also said, if that be the case, you'll dining with the crew and you'll be naked."

He and his friend began to laugh. Lizzie and I looked at them, eyes wide, before we both grabbed a dress. They looked disappointed, but they left the cabin so we could change.

Our dresses were of similar fashion, the sleeves hugging my arms instead of loose like Lizzie's, and they were different colors. The fabric of Lizzie's dress was blood red, while mine was a navy blue. It was a tad difficult without the maids that usually helped us, with the layers of fabric, but we helped each other.

Once we finished, Lizzie swept her gaze around the cabin. Seeing the odd look on her face, I spoke.

"What is it?" I softly asked.

She said nothing, only walked over to the wall left of the cabin doors.


She paused briefly, before kneeling down by the wall. Then she quickly stood, standing perpendicular to the wall.

"What is it?" I asked walking closer.

In response, Lizzie picked up a short metal rod that looked like a fire iron, then nodded at the wall. Titling my head, I tore my gaze to the wall and scrunched my eyebrows when I saw a hole.

Without warning, Lizzie thrusted the metal rod through the hole. A small exclamation sounded through the wood.

"Me eye!"

Looking back at my friend, she wore a smirk as she placed the iron back and I gave a smile.

Soon, the cabin doors opened and men came in with food. Bread, fish, a roasted pig, tomatoes, grapes, even apples. Men sat down some silverware and another lit the candles. Barbossa entered, and soon Lizzie and I sat down across from one another, slowly eating the feast the pirates laid out.

"There's no need to stand on ceremony," Barbossa told us. "No call to impress anyone. You must be hungry."

We looked at him, sharing a glance. We hadn't eaten anything since dinner the night they attacked Port Royal. Elizabeth looked at the food on her plate, laid her fork and knife on the table, and started eating with her hands. I glanced at Barbossa once more, noticing how he was watching Lizzie and how his plate was empty. I continued to eat with a fork and knife, but ate a bit faster than before.

"Try the wine," he spoke again.

He poured us both a cup of wine, placing one close to me, while holding the other out to Lizzie. She took it immediately and took a sip.

Knots formed in my stomach as a terrible feeling came over me. Ever since the pirates murmured Will's last name, believing Lizzie's lie, something felt off. I didn't know what it was, but I hope Lizzie sensed it.

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