The Hanging

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The picture above is what Arabella wears.

Third Person P.O.V.

The day of the hanging arrived. Everyone in Port Royal was flocking to the fort to watch the execution of Jack Sparrow. In the governor's mansion, Governor Swann was waiting for his daughter and ward.


He turned to see a maid.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"It's Miss Arabella, sir," the maid told him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worried.

"I'm afraid she's ill, sir," she said, her voice quiet. "She won't be able to go to the fort today."

He nodded his head and the maid was dismissed. He went up to Arabella's door and knocked.

"Arabella?" He called through the door.

He heard her 'come in' followed by a cough. He entered and saw her lying in bed. She didn't look sick, but her coughing said otherwise.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Well enough," she said, then a sneeze escaped. "I should feel better in a day or so."

The governor nodded. He was about to speak when Elizabeth came in.

"Arabella?" Elizabeth spoke.

"I'll," she tried to speak, but then tried to contain a cough. "Be fine. It's nothing serious."

"Are you sure?" Governor Swann asked.

Arabella nodded.

"You shouldn't miss the hanging because of me," Arabella told them. "I'll be alright."

"We'll come right back after the execution," Governor Swann told her.

Arabella nodded.

Governor Swann left the room, and Elizabeth walked to the bed.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Elizabeth asked after Arabella let loose a sneeze.

"I'll be fine," Arabella said, looking to the door. "But I could use your help."

"What do you need help with?" Elizabeth asked her, curious.

Arabella looked at the door again, and Elizabeth glanced at it. Bringing her voice to a whisper, she told Elizabeth.

"We'll need help at Jack's hanging," Arabella whispered seriously.

"We?" Elizabeth asked confused.

"Don't tell your father," Arabella told her.

Elizabeth was confused.

Arabella hadn't coughed or sneezed since she first looked at the door, and what does she mean by 'we'?

"Arabella," Elizabeth whispered. "Are you not ill?"

Arabella didn't give an answer, she just winked.


The governor came into the room again. Arabella coughed, and Elizabeth looked at her confused.

"The carriage is ready," he said.

Arabella gave Elizabeth a mischievous smirk, that only she could see, before coughing again. Elizabeth was still confused and was trying to figure out what her friend was planning. Both father and daughter left Arabella's room, heading to the carriage.

When the door closed and the footsteps faded, Arabella got out of bed and looked out her window. She saw the carriage heading into town and she smiled. She knelt by her bed and grabbed the wrapped packages Will had given her. She quickly changed into men's clothes and strapped the sword belt around her waist. She braided her hair and hid it under a hat.

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