Stealing a Ship

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Will's P.O.V.

The first thing I felt when I came to was the throbbing pain in my head. I opened my eyes and noticed it was morning. I slowly got to my feet, gazing at the chaos around me. In the bay, the pirate ship was gone.

With Elizabeth and Arabella.

I ran to the fort, which was in the same disarray as the town. Commodore Norrington stood by a table, gazing at a map laid out before him.

"They've taken Elizabeth," I stood across my Norrington. "And Bella."

"Mr. Murtogg, remove this man," was the only thing he said.

The soldier came towards me, but I didn't let him grab my arm.

"We must hunt them down."

"And where do you propose we start?" The Governor asked me, coming closer to the table. "If you have any information concerning either of them, please share it."

I fell silent, trying to think of something that could help.

"That Jack Sparrow," Murtogg spoke up, gaining our attention. "He talked about the Black Pearl."

"He can lead us to it," I told. "Make a deal with him."

"No," Norrington refused, not looking up from the map. "The pirates who invaded the fort left him in his cell. They are not his allies."

I became annoyed. They may not be allies, but if Sparrow knows anything about the ship, he could help in any way. Commodore Norrington turned to Governor Swann and Murtogg tried to grab my arm again. I pulled away and buried the ax in my hand into the table.

"That's not good enough!" I shouted.

Norrington calmly took the ax out of the wood and walked around the table towards me.

"You are not military man, or a sailor," he stopped in front of me. "You are blacksmith."

He pushed me away from the table and gave me the ax.

"Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man who cares for Elizabeth and Arabella."

He walked back to the table and continued to pour over the map. With the soldiers wounded and occupied, I snuck down to the cells below, hoping to make a deal with Sparrow.

Once there I noticed a bone, that was chiseled into a point, stuck in the keyhole to a cell. Inside, Sparrow was lying on the ground.

"Sparrow," he lifted his head. "You're familiar with a ship, the Black Pearl."

"I've heard of it," he simply said, laying his head down again.

"Where does it make berth?"

He lifted his head, repeating my question.

"You haven't heard the stories?"

When I didn't answer, he began to explain. Saying the ship sails from an island called Isla de Muerta.

"It is an island that cannot be found, but those who know where it is can find it."

"The ship's anchorage must be a real place, where is it?"

He lifted his arm, seeming to inspecting his fingernails.

"Why ask me?"

I paused a moment, not wanting to give the true reason.

"Because you're a pirate."

"And you want to turn pirate yourself."

"Never," I hissed.

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