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Arabella's P.O.V.

Once we arrived at the mansion, Elizabeth was taken upstairs by a couple maids to help her into dry clothes, as I went to the library. A couple hours later, a knock sounded on the door. I stood in the threshold of the library, as the butler opened it, revealing Commodore Norrington. The butler let him in and closed the door before going to the parlor.

"Good evening, Commodore," I greeted, closing the book I was reading as I entered the foyer.

"Good evening, Miss Arabella," he nodded.

He glanced at the upper floor landing.

"How is Elizabeth?"

"She's alright, considering."

I fell silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Did you catch him?" I asked.

"Yes, we did," he answered and paused for a short moment. "I've just recalled something. Sparrow called you Belle?"

"Yes, that," I spoke, smiling awkwardly. "He's my brother."

His jaw fell a bit, but he closed his mouth shortly after. Before he could say something else, the father and son pair exited the parlor, and came towards us.

"Good evening, Governor Swann, Mr. Swann," Norrington spoke. "Jack Sparrow has been apprehended."

"Wonderful," he exclaimed, before grimacing. "Apologies Arabella."

I nodded in understanding.

"The ship sailing to England is ready, as well, Mr. Swann," Norrington told Michael.

"Great," Michael replied.

Michael was leaving for England to formally train for the Navy and was leaving today. The Governor allows me to visit Will, and Norrington accompanied me. Everyone in town knew that Will and the Swann twins were my closest friends.

Once we arrived at the blacksmith shop, Norrington told me the carriage will wait for me, before he returned to the fort on foot. I knocked on the door before opening it, and entered. Will was in the middle of tidying up the workshop, and was covered in some sort of brown dust.

"What happened here?" I asked, wide eyes roving over the room.

"The pirate was here and he tried to escape."

"I heard that he didn't."

Will shook his head.

"What brings you here, Bella?" He smiled, finding a cloth to clean his face.

"I wanted to tell you something," I told, trying to hold my smile.


"I found my brother, he's here in Port Royal."

"That's great news, Bella." He shared my enthusiasm. "Where is he?"

My smile slowly vanished.

"He's at the fort..." I paused. "And you've already met him."

Will titled his head, his eyebrows knitted.

"I have?"

"Yes, I assume he's the one that made this mess," I gestured at the room.

The knot in his eyebrows unfurled, as he realized what I meant.

"You mean..."

I nodded.

After that, I helped him clean up the shop as I told him what happened at the docks. Then he told me how he fought Jack to keep him from escaping. To be honest, I don't know how to feel. Jack's my brother but he's also a pirate.

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