The Curse

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Arabella's P.O.V.

Once aboard the Dauntless, Lizzie was arguing with her father to go to the Isla de Muerta and save Will. Jack stood between Murtogg and Mullroy, and I stood across from them.

"But we have to save Will," Lizzie argued with her father.

"No," Governor Swan told her. "You and Arabella are safe. We will return to Port Royal, not go gallivanting after pirates!"

"Then we condemn him to death," I spoke up, trying to help.

"The boy's fate is regrettable," her father said, looking a bit sad. "But so was his decision to engage in piracy."

"To rescue us," I explained to him, stepping forward.

"To prevent anything from happening to us," Lizzie agreed.

We were silent for a few moments. Lizzie and I cared for Will in our own way, and neither of us wanted to leave him behind as if he didn't do a thing to save us.

"If I may be so bold as to inject my professional opinion," Jack broke the silence walking up to the Commodore, who stood beside the Governor.

I stared at Jack for moment, curious as to why he was trying to help, but remembered.

He wants the Black Pearl back. That's why he's helping us.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes to prevent them from rolling. I really wanted to berate Jack, anything really. Since I was annoyed at my brother, I barely heard him informing Commodore Norrington of the damage the Black Pearl sustained.

"The last real threat in the Caribbean, mate," Jack finished. "How can you pass that up?"

"By remembering that I serve others, Mr. Sparrow," Commodore Norrington replied. "Not only myself."

Norrington turned and walked up the stairs to the helm, Lizzie following.

"Commodore, I beg you please do this, for me," Lizzie stopped at the bottom of the stairs, while we watched. "As a wedding gift."

The Commodore turned to her, and my eyes widened. The governor stood beside her.

"Are you accepting the Commodore's proposal?" He asked, his eyebrows slightly furrowed and a slight smile on his lips.

She looked Norrington in the eye as she answered, "I am."

It was silent for a short moment, before...

"A wedding! I love weddings! Drinks all around!" Jack said loudly.

I stared at my brother, trying not to smile at his outburst. The Commodore glared at Jack, lips pursed in annoyance. Jack paused upon seeing the annoyed look.

"I know," he said holding out his hands, waiting to be shackled. "'Clap him in irons,' right?"

Norrington walked down a few steps, fully serious now.

"Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta," he spoke, gesturing to Murtogg and Mullroy. "You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase, 'silent as the grave.' Do I make myself clear?"

"Inescapably clear," Jack answered.

Murtogg and Mullory grabbed Jack's arms as Norrington came down the stairs, allowing the two soldiers to lead Jack up to the helm.

"Commodore," Governor Swann approached him. "I must question the wisdom of this."

"With all due respect, sir," Commodore replied, his tone flat. "Mister Turner is a subject of the British crown and therefore under my protection."

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