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Third Person P. O. V.

An hour had passed after the battle and the wreckage of the Interceptor was far out of sight. With the wind behind her, the Black Pearl had sailed a great distance and a small speck was seen on the horizon. As the ship sailed closer, the speck materializing into a small island, the pirates bound Will's hands with rope.

Soon, the anchor was lowered, leaving about one hundred yards of water between the island and the ship. A wooden plank was brought out, hanging off the side of the Pearl and Elizabeth was brought forward. She stood on the plank, staring at the swords pointed at her, as the pirates yelled and shouted for her to jump off.

Her skirts hitched up, she turned and walked further out on the plank, eyeing the ocean below her.

Will, who was being held by the pirates, swore and fought his way closer to Barbossa. The pirates grabbed him, even as he struggled against their grip and held him back.

"You swore she'd go free!" Will shouted at Barbossa.

Everyone turned to the interaction.

"Aye, I agreed she go free," Barbossa replied, before wearing an evil smile. "But you failed to specify when or where."

Barbossa and his crew laughed, as Will was gagged and pushed back.

"It does seem a shame to lose something so fine," Barbossa told his crew and they voiced their agreements.

"I'll have that dress back before you go, Miss."

He stepped forward and held out his hand to Elizabeth.

Glaring, she began to take off the dress. Several men whistled at seeing Elizabeth in her underdress, but she walked closer to the pirate captain and threw it at him. With the dress in hand, Barbossa lifted the material to his check, joking about it being warm.

Elizabeth walked back to the end of the plank and eyed the water below. She looked over her shoulder at Will.

"Too long!" Bo'sun shouted.

He stomped on the end of the plank that was pinned to the deck, causing it to shake. Elizabeth lost her balance and fell in the water below as the pirates laughed. Then Arabella was brought forward and shoved onto the plank. Regaining her balance, she turned back to Barbossa, lifting her tied wrists.

"I can't very well swim to shore with my hands bound," she raised an eyebrow.

Barbossa motioned one of his men, a blond-haired man who looked like he had dreadlocks. With his sword already in hand, the pirate cut the ropes binding Arabella's wrists.

"I'll be having your dress back too," Barbossa said, smirking at her.

"I assumed as much," she spat, beginning to take off her dress.

After giving the dress back, Arabella spared a glance at her brother and Will. Then she wasted no time in walking to the end of the plank and jumping off. As the two women swam to the island, Jack, with his hands tied together, was brought forward.

"I'd really rather hoped we were past all this," Jack spoke, turning to Barbossa.

Barbossa wrapped his arm around Jack's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Didn't you notice? That be the same island we made you governor of on our last trip," Barbossa told.

Jack turned, looked at the island in the distance and then turned back to Barbossa.

"I noticed," he said.

"Perhaps you can conjure up another miraculous escape," Barbossa smiled, before stepping away. "But I doubt that."

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now