Don't Wanna Hear These Lies

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Y/N waited until Kendall was in bed and fast asleep before sneaking out of bed. He quietly walked downstairs and sat down on the couch where he has his laptop.

He picked it up and got on to his email. He saw and email from Nathan. 

He clicked on it and saw something that made his heart stop.

Apparently the pictures are of Liam and Kendall. From what I hear it was while you were still in the hospital. If you don't think it is, I'll call up some people and take care of it.

He clicked on a picture and zoomed in. He felt his heart break. There wasn't no way to deny it. It was them.

That's her. But, can you please take care of it. I'm still hoping it's a lie.

He pressed send and in a matter of minutes Nathan replied.

By the morning, they'll be gone. I'm so sorry Y/N.

"Baby?" He heard Kendall whisper. He quickly shut his laptop and tried to act like he did earlier.

"I'm right here." He called back.

He turned the lamp on just as Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck. "What are you doing up?" She whispered.

"Um...just couldn't sleep." He replied. She started to plant kisses down his neck

"Mmmm." She mumbled against his neck.

"W-We better get to bed." He stuttered.

"You just read my mind." She smirked.

He stood up and he bit his bottom lip when he saw that Kendall was wearing his Lakers jersey.

"Kendall, I'm not really in the mood." He mumbled.

"Oh. Well, let's get to bed." She offered a smile. Kendall took his hand and led him back upstairs.


The next morning, Caleb was woken up by the sound of yelling. He recognized the voices of his dad and Liam.

He looked towards his door and saw Gus standing right by his closed bedroom door.

Caleb slid out of bed and opened his door. Him and Gus walked out of his bedroom and quietly down the stairs. He was able to see his dad and Liam standing by the front door, screaming at one another.

"How many times do I have to say sorry?!" Liam yelled.

"Sorry won't cut it Liam! You slept with my wife! How could you do this to me?!"

"She came on to me! It was a mistake! I regretted it right after it happened! Kendall does too! She kept telling me that she couldn't ruin her marriage."

"I was in the hospital Liam! I nearly died and neither one of you could have cared less! It's bad when the only one who does care is a child!" Y/N yelled.

"He cares because you're the only person who cares about him! Kendall obviously doesn't!"

"Get the hell out of my house!" Y/N growled.

Liam didn't protest and left.

"Dad? What happened?" Caleb questioned.

Y/N looked up and motioned for Caleb to come downstairs. "Where's mom?" Caleb asked.

"She went out with aunt Kylie. Listen, I'm sorry you had to hear that between Liam and I."

Caleb didn't say anything. "Do you want to go to Skyzone or we could go to the beach?"

"Did I cause that?" Caleb asked.

"Of course not buddy. It's just that Liam and I had a disagreement. It's all going to be alright. Trust me." Y/N offered his small son a smile.

Caleb smiled and nodded.


"I'm going on a small business trip. I'll be home in a few days." Y/N told Caleb as they sat in the living room.

It's been a couple weeks since Y/N and Liam's fight. He hasn't seen or heard from the Brit since.

"Can I come?" Caleb asked.

Y/N let out a small chuckle. "I'm afraid not bud. You're gonna stay here with mom."

"Why can't mom and I go with you?"

"It's just best you two stay here." He replied.

Caleb nodded. "When are you leaving?"

"Tonight. I have a late flight." Caleb nodded.

Y/N stood Caleb up and smiled. "How about you go get your baseball and we'll play catch with Gus?"

Caleb smiled before running for the stairs.

Y/N let out a sigh and stood up. He walked into the kitchen where Kendall was standing by the doorway.

"Business trip? That's the best excuse you could come up with?" Kendall asked him.

He looked over and saw Kendall wiping her eyes.

"What am I supposed to tell him? That I'm really going to stay at my dad's because we're fighting?"

"We're just going through a rough patch..." Kendall said softly.

He sighed and went and grabbed a bottle from the fridge. "You know that if I had a choice, I wouldn't have ever went to Scott's that night. That way none of this shit wouldn't have happened."

"Then why did you? Was it because you couldn't just be a man and face a fight?" Kendall asked.

"Kendall. Do not start with me. I've gone through too much of your crap these last few months."

"My crap? If you wouldn't baby him so much, we wouldn't be dealing with this right now!" She yelled.

"Kendall, I-" "I found the ball dad." Caleb yelled from upstairs.

"Okay dude." Y/N called back.

They heard feet coming down the stairs and he looked over at Kendall.

"Let's play happy family. Please, don't try to fight with me in front of him."

Y/N walked out of the kitchen as he heard Kendall start to cry. Caleb ran in front of him and stopped.

"Is mom okay?" He asked.

"She's just not feeling well. Now, let's go play some ball." Caleb nodded and ran out the back door.

As Y/N made his way out, he stopped once his eyes landed on a photo of him, Kendall, and Caleb at Caleb's first birthday party.

"If only we were still that happy." He mumbled.

He put on a smile and went outside.


As the two played with their dog, Y/N noticed how Caleb kept glancing towards his left.

"You okay dude?" Y/N asked.

"I thought I heard something."

"Don't worry C, I'll be right here. Even with what's to come your way."

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