Hey Angel

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Liam's POV

Ever since we were spotted, my phones been blowing up. Half of them were texts from Y/N and Kendall, demanding that I bring Caleb home, while the other half were just my family wondering what in the world I was thinking. I'm wondering the same thing.

"Hey Liam?" I heard Caleb call.

I glanced back at him, "Yeah?"

"Gus has to use the bathroom."

"How can you tell?"

"He keeps staring at me. Dad said he does that when he has to use the bathroom."

I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw a line of cars behind us. "Do you think he can wait? I can't really pull over right now."

Instead of Caleb answering me, I was answered by the sound of Gus's loud whining.

I take that as a 'pull over now before I pee in your car'.

Looking around, I quickly found an exit. I pulled off and looked for the nearest, empty parking lot.

I spotted an empty parking lot of what looked to be a clothing store.

I parked the car and got out. I walked back to Caleb's door and opened it. "I'll take him. I need you to stay in here."

"What if they see you?" he asked, obviously concerned for my safety.

"Caleb, I'll be fine. Trust me."


"Has he answered you?" Detective King asked.

Kendall and I both shook our heads.

"I swear I'm gonna kill Liam!" I growled.

"Y/N, just calm down." said Kim.

I mentally rolled my eyes at her. How am I supposed to calm down when my ex best friend kidnapped my son!?

"We don't know that he kidnapped him." Candace replied.

I gave her a confused look. "You thought aloud."

"Of course he kidnapped him! Caleb wouldn't leave otherwise!" Scott exclaimed.

The family started to bicker, but my gaze was on Kendall.

Ever since Caleb's gone missing, she's taken it the hardest. I can understand why though, she's his mother. But, it seems that these past ten hours have put a few years on her twenty-six year old self.

I walked over and wrapped my arms protectively around her. I rested my head on her shoulder as she let out a shaky breath.

"Everything's going to be alright darling. They're going to find him and bring him back." I whispered in her ear.

"Y/N, I think that you and Kendall need to get some sle-" I was cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the door.

Detective King looked over at the police officers that set up a central command at our house and motioned for them to answer it.

They got into their posture of authority as they walked into the front foyer.

They opened the door and I heard a sarcastic comments. "Listen, the only thing I have on me are my blood pressure pills."

I let go of Kendall and walked to where they were. I walked in and saw the men still in their position. "He's okay guys."

They nodded and moved aside. A man in his early sixties walked in. He looked over at me and smiled just as Kendall came to my side.

"I woke up this morning, made a cup of coffee, and turned on the news. The first thing that popped up was that my grandson was missing. Y/F/N, what in the hell is going on?"

"Hello to you too dad."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Detective King. "Y/N, I'll talk to your father. You and Kendall should go and try to sleep."

I nodded and took Kendalls hand. I led her up to our room and shut the door. She quietly walked over and laid on her side of the bed. I slipped my shoes off before walking over to her. I laid down beside and sighed.

"Y/N?" I heard Kendall mutter.

I looked over and saw that she was on the verge of tears. "Baby, don't cry."

"How can I not? Our son is gone and he thinks that I hate him." she cried.

"He doesn't think that.." I said as I rubbed her arm soothingly.

She quickly sat up and got off the bed.

"Yes he does Y/N! He heard me crying to Gigi and Hailey about being frustrated with him! But, I was missing you and so was he! They told me that he was just acting out because of it!" she pulled at her hair in frustration, "God I'm such a fuck up!!"

She fell to her knees as she began to sob harder. I ran to her and wrapped my arms tightly around her from behind. Kendall had her face in her hands, trying to muffle the sounds.

"I just want my baby back!"

No Ones POV

Caleb looked out the car window and saw Liam still trying to get Gus to use the bathroom.

He groaned and sat back against the seat. Gus never took this long!

They're so close to his grandpas and Gus is wasting their time.

Caleb heard Liam's phone go off and he quickly jumped up. He saw the phone in the cup holder and quickly picked it up. The number looked very familiar. He glanced back out the window and when he saw that Liam was still distracted, he answered.


"Caleb?" it was Mason.

"Yeah. How's you get Liam's number?"

"It doesn't matter. Caleb, are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay. Why?"

"Because you have everyone worried sick! Has Liam hurt you?"

"Liam wouldn't hurt me. He's helping me get dad back."

"Get your dad back? Caleb your dad i-" "Caleb!!"

Caleb looked out the passenger window and saw Liam running towards the car.


He looked the other way and saw a car coming right towards the car. It hit the curb and was soon airborne.

He shut his eyes tightly just as the car hit Liam's.

Liam watched in horror as his car went rolling towards him. He and Gus got out of the way just in time.

The car landed upside down and the only thing Liam could see of Caleb was his chestnut brown hair.

He let go of Gus's leash and ran towards the scene.

Caleb weakly opened his eyes and looked around. Everything was fuzzy.

Someone was calling his name, but he couldn't tell who.

Glass was soon breaking. He felt a hand grab on to his and pull.

The bright sun shown on his face, causing his vision to become worse. Someone was looking down at him.

For a few seconds, his vision was clear. The one person he has longed for, was looking down at him.

"You'll be okay. Trust me." the person told me.

Caleb's eyes began to close, but before they did, he weakly nodded.

"Hey angel."

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