Somebody to Lean On

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Caleb and Reign walked through the light, only to appear in Kris's house. He looked around in confusion. It was so quiet, no one was around. 

"Where is everybody? Why are we at Loveys?" Caleb asked.  

Reign smiled as they soon heard small footsteps running towards them. Caleb smiled softly as he saw a boy who looked about two running out the door that led to the patio. His eyes soon widened as he saw the little boy run right into the pool, no lifejacket on or anything. He saw a figure running past, soon seeing it was Corey running after the small boy. 

Caleb watched in horror as he saw Corey pull the now crying toddler from the pool, holding him close as he rushed back inside. 

"Kendall! Kris! Y/N!" He yelled. 

Caleb and Reign watched as his parents and Lovey came running down the stairs. "What the hell happened?!" Kendall asked as she took the boy. 

"I was gonna take him swimming and he ran out before I could get his lifejacket on him!" Corey defended. 

"Are you fucking serious Corey?! I leave him down here for five minutes and you let this happen?!" Kendall yelled at him. 

"Ken ca-" "No Y/N! I won't calm down! Do you not care that it's Corey's fault in the first place that Caleb is dead and now he almost let Lincoln die!" 

"Lincoln?" Caleb questioned to Reign. 

Reign smiled at him. "You're gonna be a big brother. That's your little brother Lincoln William Y/L/N. He was born six months to the day of your death." 

Caleb looked at Reign with wide eyes. "Moms pregnant?!" 

Reign smiled and nodded. "Yeah, she is." 

"Then I know my choice! I gotta live! I'm gonna be a big brother! momma gonna hate me?" he asked, a frown quickly taking over the little boys face. 

Reign knelt down in front of his little cousin. "I promise you that she's not gonna hate you. She's gonna be more happy that you're alive, that you're here, and that she's not gonna have to bury her little boy." 

Caleb noticed tears filling up Reigns eyes. "A-are you okay?" he asked. 

Reign smiled and wiped his eyes. He sniffled. "I will be. I'd be lying if I didn't have a little hope you'd stay, but I completely understand why you're staying. And don't worry, I'm not leaving you. I never have and I never will. Besides, you still have a few more trials coming your way." 

Caleb furrowed his brow as they soon appeared in the hallway outside his hospital room. He was able to look in his room to see his aunt Kourtney sitting by his bed, holding his hand. Penelope and Mason were standing beside her, both of them crying silently. 

"He'll be okay mom. I know he will be." Penelope said silently. Inside, they all three were reliving the night Reign died. 

"Yeah...this is Caleb we're talking about. He's tough." Mason mumbled. 

"God I hope so." Kourtney replied as her two kids slowly exited the room. 

Reign looked down at Caleb. "You ready?" Reign asked. 

Caleb nodded and closed his eyes.

Kourtney smiled as she wiped her eyes. "You know, I still can't remember what you said about the stars. I wish I knew." she mumbled before kissing his head. She slowly stood up and started to walk out. 

"The stars...are kids who died...and are waiting to be guardian angels..."

Kourtney stopped and slowly turned around. "C-Caleb?"

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