Ch. 3 Never yours

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Eridan stares down at Sollux and Feferi anger rising in his eyes.

"Eridan clam it down, we were only talking," Feferi says. Sollux sighs.

"Seriously just sit down beside her right there god, it's not like I would even go for her man,"

"Shut the fuck up Sol, and you know that's a lie cause you know darn well how much Feferi reminds you of Aradia,"

"Don't you fucking bring her up asshole, she has nothing to do with this," he hisses with a glare. As soon as the teacher walks in, they both keep their glares glued to the other while Feferi sighed feeling the immense pressure from the two.

As the class continued, every once in a while one of the boys would make a smart remark and the other would counter. Feferi snaps her pencil in two with rage.

"Shut the shell up!" She shouts as the class falls silent to her outburst. The bell rings as she collects her things quickly and leaves with her cheeks puffed out as she breaths in deeply and exhales.

"Fef! Look what you've done! Fef wait!" Eridan runs after her leaving Sollux to contemplate how it was all his fault.

Meanwhile, Feferi stops in the hall and turns to Eridan.

"What do you want Eridan? I don't have the time for your glubbing games," she says with a sigh.

"Why are you acting like such a bottom feeder speaking to that peasant Sol?" He says with a childish face.

"Eridan you're always with that crabby attitude! Just clam up! And our relationship is sunken. It was set up by our guardians! And i never agreed to it! I was never yours...we are cuttle fish friends...that's it..I'm sorry," she says and walks off. Eridan stands there dumbfounded by her response. He glares.

"Fine then! Waterever! Who needs....a relationship anyway..." He pulls his scarf up and walks off down the hall ignoring the eyes of students who watched the recent argument. While it's true Eridan's father had arranged the marriage with Feferi's mother, Eridan had always loved Feferi since they were children. But it was now obvious that she clearly only saw him as a best friend. And he most likely had ruined that as well. He walks into his next class as the bell rang and sat at the very back of the room not wanting to be bothered. Upfront Sollux sat with his head on the desk bored and completely unaware of Eridan's presence. His phone vibrates in his lap as he checks the message. It was Eridan.

"Ugh..what the hell..." He checks the message.


Happy now Sol? Enjoy my misery? Thank you very much I just lost a good relationship thanks to you.

Sollux sighs. He types, and replies.


First off how did you get my number, second how the hell is it my fault? It's your own fault for acting like a clingy little bitch. Got it fish head? If you're gonna wallow in self pity, do it by the sea shore and leave my ass alone. That's what you get for being your dumb obsessive self.

He hits send and lays his head back down. Eridan looks at his phone and glares at Sollux. He was surely going to regret ever messing with a rich blood line like himself.

The school day ends, and just as Sollux heads home Eridan blocks his path.

"What do you want now ED?" He asks with a sigh.

"Im going to show you what happens when you mess with me Sol, you ruined everything,"

"I thought I already told you, what happened with Fef was your own fault, you were too possessively clingy to her when there was nothing between you two to begin with. Yes she told me everything,"

"You are purely contradicting about that. When we were younger you were the same with Aradia," he states.

"What the fuck did i tell you about bringing her up?" He growls his hands in fists.

"You want to fight? Very well give it your all," Eridan raises his fists just as Sollux throws a fist and he tackles him to the ground. Students leaving the school grounds gather as the two fight throwing punches and kicks.

"Eridan water you doing?!" Feferi shouts as she runs through the crowd and pulls Eridan back just to see his nose dripping blood and a bruise growing on his cheek. Sollux breathes heavily his lip bleeding from a cut and his shirt ripped from being pulled on.

"Sollux!" Mituna runs over and pulls him up from the ground. Beside him a girl with longer black hair to her shoulders and red rectangle glasses over her eyes.

"Alright guys! Shows over! Go home!" She shouts shooing everyone away from the scene.

"Thanks Latula!" Mituna says with a grin. She nods smiling. Sollux glares at Eridan who was glaring back at him, both boys filled with rage beyond what they had ever felt before as rivals. Feferi drags Eridan off all while nagging him along the way, and Mituna walks with Sollux and Latula as he laughs at his little brothers attempt of fighting. Sollux however was in no mood for any jokes of any kind.

That night, Eridan sits at the dinner table with his father and his brother Cronus.

"Eridan," his father calls.

"Yes father?"

"I overheard from Feferi's mother that you and her daughter had an argument? You realize the amount of a rift you are causing that's destroying the marriage arrangement correct?"

"But father it was Sol, she was talking to Sol of all people and she knows how much I dislike that unforgivabubble basshole," he says with a growl.

"I also heard you hsd s fight with Captor. Both of you did. With both Captors. You both realize how much of an image you are both setting up for yourselves? Cronus I can expect this from, but Eridan I'm disappointed in you,"

"Father please..he-!"

"Enough, starting next week you will be transferred to a private school. Your uniform will be prepared and your electronic device will have to be left home,"

"What?! But father!"

"This is for your own good,"

"What about Cronus?! Why does it have to be me?! Don't I have a choice?!"

"The choice was never yours aware you are my son, and what you do reflects on me and how i raised you. And i know i never raised you with such despicable features, this private school will remind you of all of those, end of discussion,"

Eridan stops himself from saying more and stares down at his plate, he pushes his plate aside and leaves to his room. He slams the door shut and slides to the ground to hug his knees. Nothing was ever his, feferi was never his. And the choice of schooling was never his. If that's the case, was there anything that he could have that wasn't controlled?

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