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Sollux bursts through the door of his home and runs upstairs to Eridan's room opening the door wide open with a slam against the wall. Eridan jumps with tears streaming down his face and his phone in his hand as he quickly turns to face him. Sollux closes the door behind him and runs over to Eridan embracing him tightly. Eridan's eyes widen in shock as his body melts into his arms. More tears pour down his face as wraps his arms around his body just as tightly.

"You fucking dumbass don't ever say those words ever you fucking hear me?!" 

"Sol I.."

"I'm sorry..okay?" His voice wavers with his apology as he holds Eridan tightly in his arms. Eridan buries his face into his chest and cries.

"You fucking fool!!!!" he cries.

"I know...i'm fucking sorry alright? I was a fucking idiot! And i kept assuming things without even giving you the chance to just explain anything...i'm sorry...I'm sorry i was an idiot, an asshole, and fucking allowed you to fall into her fucking traps....It's all my fault for putting you through that torture......if you don't want to forgive me or take me back or anything i'll understand completely,"

"Don't....just stop...i forgive you....i forgive you please ...ijust want you to be with me again pwease! It's lonely...."


"Sol pwease..just take me back..."

"I'm the one who should be saying that to you after everything i put you dumbass..." he says with a small laugh as he holds his face in his hands and wipes away his tears with his thumb.

"Just...fucking kiss me.."

"Hah..." their lips connect and intertwine as well as their tongues in a heated battle of dominance. Their cravings for each other flowing through their kisses and their hands gripping onto the strands of their hairs as their bodies engulfed with flames of an unknown passion that dwelled in the cores of their beings. Once they pull away to catch their breaths Sollux shoves Eridan to the floor and climbs over him. 


"Ed...get fucked now or later...pick one..."

"W..what? B..but your father...! And your brother...their here what if they hear?.." the Ampora says with as gasp in between his words as Sollux trails kisses up his neck. 

"Don't worry....they wouldn't find it surprising anyway.." he bites into his neck sending a shiver down his spine.

"S..sol..w...wait please....ah..!"

Sollux pulls away leaving a mark on his neck that bled and swelled the moment his lips disconnected from the flesh of his neck. He sits up and pulls Eridan up with him. "Fine....later it is then.." Eridan breathes as his face flushes red at the declaration his partner had just declared. 

"Ah..Sol...what about Rachelle? What do we do about her?"

"Don't worry i'll handle her at school tomorrow, just stick by my side and everything will be fine. I've already started tracing the person who sent the picture, and i'm gonna block her away from your account so that she doesn't hack into it again. Those messages i'll hold onto them and the ring she has, we can have Feferi confirm on that one, so everything will be okay,"

"Alright..." The Ampora sighs in relief as he leans against Sollux and gives up on staying awake for the night. He was emotionally and mentally exhausted, and his body could no longer handle it anymore. Sollux sighs a bit and holds him closely as his gaze befalls onto the fish head's computer. He glares at the screen, but then smirks. 

"Don't worry...ED...i'll expose that bitch for who she is...and find the one who started this and end their reputations as well....They'll regret messing with a Captor...i'll hack into their lives and plant a virus that they will never be able to erase..."

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