Close but far away

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Once Eridan returns home to his father, they begin their newly created bond between father and son as his father finally asks questions of what his son would like to do with himself and his life. And as he listed everything, his father listened and never interrupted him or turned him away like he used to. This made Eridan very happy.

That night, he laid in his bed and turned on his side and sighed a bit. He now felt that everything was going to be just fine. No more drama. No more sudden things happening. However, a new challenge was standing in his way and not only his but Sollux's as well. Of course they were destined to pursue their own dreams and goals, however the concerns over their relationship as time goes by was something they could not shake off.

He sighs heavily this time and looks over to his phone. He grabs it and dials his boyfriends number.

Sollux lays in his bed staring at his ceiling fan without his shades as he continued to ponder on the concerns the two boys tried to discuss earlier. Things are going to change and he could feel it. Whenever things changed for him he would feel his body become more tense, his stomach would twist up with nauseating feelings and his hands would begin to shake uncontrollably. He holds his hands and simply curses at them with a sneer until his phone rings catching his attention. The ringtone consisting of 'The Little Mermaid' song, 'Under the sea,' played on end making him snicker. He never told Eridan that this was his ringtone for him. He picks up his phone and answers it.

"It's pretty late fish head, shouldn't you of all people be sleeping?"

"As much as I would like to get some beauty rest for a change without constant nightmares, then I would be asleep yes. But I am not. I wanted to talk to you,"

"That so..What about?"

"You're okay right?"


"I don't know I feel like something....Is not right maybe it's because I'm not beside you anymore or closer like I'm fully used to....And I'm getting clingy but seriously it's a bit too much of a heavy weight on me...."

"So you're really feeling it too..."

"You too?"

"I always have these feelings whenever a change is happening....For now though I don't think there's anything to worry over. It's probably just the change of going back to being neighbors instead of room mates,"

"Right...I don't sea why I'm reeling asking but...Well good night,"




A long pause fills the atmosphere with anticipation as he awaits for his reply.

"NevermInd..good night..." he hangs up leaving Sollux to ponder on his reply.

"Damn fish head..."

As school comes around, everyone begins to return to their normal lives of peace. No drama. No stress. No issues. However, the same thing can't be said for the two boys. Now that they were a bit farther a part than before, their hearts became consumed with worry and anxiety. 

The next morning, the boys meet up in front of Sollux's house as they decide to head to school together. It was a regular morning, except a well unbalanced tackle from Eridan who just figured it to be very necessary. 

Today their first class was homeroom, and whenever they have to gather specifically for homeroom it meant an announcement was going to be made. As the two sat together once more, and spotted Rachelle who waved at them with a smile, peace seemed to be restored to the class. However, it was going to soon be overtaken. 

"Alright, everyone listen up today the school had planned for all of you to focus on your futures in regards to your college choices, and career, also Eridan Ampora? Is Eridan Ampora here?"

The Ampora raised his hand up high expecting something small to be said, but instead it was something completely unexpected, "Yes i'm here,"

"Class if you will all congratulate your classmate for being accepted into the Sea education assosiation, and will be going over seas during his senior year in order to begin his early studying of marine life. His graduation will be early this year and will have no problems with his departure, everyone give a round of applause," the teacher says with a proud smile. Eridan's eyes were wide as can be as he tried to process the announcement. It was true he signed up before Sollux returned to the town, but he didn't think he would get accepted. He turns to Sollux who was staring him down from head to toe with a very stern glare. 

"L..look i can explain okay?"

"So you're practically disappearing on me by the time school is over...?"

"Solluxi didn't think i would get the time my father had me sign up for it....i never asked for it...but i do want to go over seas....that was a dream of mine..."

Sollux goes silent and faces the window biting his lip in order to control an outburst of rage that he knew would be released if he continued on. He would have to just wait until they were alone together, without any students around. And there was only one time of day for that.

During lunch, Sollux drags Eridan to the bathroom ignoring his plead to calm down and to let go of his wrist, which was caught tightly into his grip. He opens the door and pulls her in shutting the door and leaning against it to keep from escaping. 

"Explain everything Ed now,"

"O...okay Sol but please calm down you're scaring me..." he says as he rubs his wrist gently. 

"There's no way I am going to be calm! You got accepted to go over seas Eridan. And you want to go, and you never mentioned this to me! And you're graduating early too! When were you planning to tell me this?!"

"I wasn't sure how to tell you..! I wasn't sure if i was going to be accepted for anything! I was going to tell you about me graduating early soon, but i wasn't too worried over that because i wasn't sure if i was going to be working or going to a university next year! I wasn't given too much of a choice when all this was organized! My father had done all of it!"

"Eridan i can't do a long distance was another reason why i broke up with Aradia..."

'But we're different..right?" Eridan asks as he stares at him.


"We are aren't we?! We've known each other for years! And we are completely bonded in a way no one else is! I don't want to lose you! Can't we work through the distance and just allow the water to flow easily!?" 

"How...? You'll be in the middle of the sea right? I doubt phone service wil be easy to get....i doubt letters too...Eridan...."

"W...what should we do...?"

"I don't know....ED i really don't know....right now i just want to get this fucking day over with and go the fuck home," he gets off the door and opens it, but before he could walk out his lover clutches onto his waist tightly, his face burying into his back. Sollux stops and sighs.

"Sollux....i'm sorry...."

Sollux lightly moves his arms and turns pulling him into his arms allowing him to be overwhelmed by his scent. 

'If he does decide to go over seas...i'll have to think about what i do....i can't do a long distance relationship...but with our bond i know we'll be fucked over....but it's better to not have the pain from the long distance and better to just keep our relationship as friends.....just have to wait for school to be over....that's it....' 


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