Accept or Deny

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A week passes as Eridan continues on with his recovery from his injuries he received from Densil. Everyday his friends would come to see him and grant him luck in his recovery, even his rival Sollux who practically saved his life. Today was the end of the week and the last person standing in his room was Sollux who practically just sitting there with his computer in his lap.

"Sol...water you still doing here?" he asks.

"What do you think jackass? This place actually has some good wifi, and it's practically free so i'm not wasting too much at home,"

"You imbecile...if you're not here to see me then get out of here,"

"Nah, it's rather cozy. Aren't you cozy there ED hehe,"

"Shut the glub up Sol,"he hisses, "this place is down right to the bottom of the sea boring."

"Blah blah quit complaining jackass,"

"Why don't you just leave my presence?"

"Nah, don't think i will,"

Eridan sighs and gives up knowing that arguing was pointless. He knew that Solluz was only doing this in an effort to make him suffer with complete annoyance, but at the same time he didn't want Sollux to leave him alone in a dull white hospital room.

" Sol?" Eridan calls softly.

"What do you want ED?"

"I didn't exactly say this before...but....i want to thank you...."

"Thank me?"

"You saved me...even though you already want me dead....technically."

"Metaphorically speaking,"

"Yes, right...well can i ask....why?"

"Why i saved you?"


Sollux pauses in his train of thought as he thinks over the question that was just given to him. He never really thought about why he saved the sea dwelling imbecile, but he just knew that if he didn't Eridan would be a dead fish head. He tries to find a way to respond, but nothing comes to mind.


"Look ED....i don't know why alright? I didn't think about reasons as to why i did what i did. I did it cause it felt it was right. I did it because my god damn fucking gut told me to do it despite the thousands of protests that were just drilling into my head trying to make me back off from what i was doing. I saved you life and that's all you really need to know about that whole situation," he says as he packs up his laptop and stands up. He walks over to the other side when his hand is suddenly grabbed by Eridan's. He looks up at the recovering boy who stares at him intensely.

"ED..what are you doing?" Before anything else Eridan lifts his hand up and plants his lips to the tips of his knuckles while his gaze remained locked onto Sollux's. Sollux freaks out mentally, but for some reason he felt his heart beat quicken. Eridan lets go of his hand and sinks into the pillow behind his head as his conscious started to fade. He gives one quick smile.

"You should..see your face..Sol...its rather entertaining...." he says with a smirk as he falls asleep. Sollux runs out the room and into the nearest restroom and looks into the mirror. His cheeks were a full flushed color of pink. And once he realized it, the color darkens to a nice cherry red. He lets out a frustrating barrage of curses and words out loud allowing anyone in the bathroom to hear. He rushes out and starts heading to the bus stop so he could go home, but on the way he pulls his phone out and quickly dials Kanaya's number.

"Hello? This is Kanaya Maryam,"

"Kanaya i need your help! Yours and Karkats! And i need it now before i fucking lose my shit!" he shouts.

"Take a deep breath Sollux and calmly tell me what exactly is causing your nerves to be completely shivered,"

Sollux groans as his cheeks start to redden even more at the sudden memory of what just happened. He sighs and explains everything in full detail.

"I see....yes i understand're in love with Eridan.."

"I-it's not like that!"

"Hey! Hey! Shut the fuck up Captor!" KArkat's voice shouts.

"KK?! When did you-?!"

"I just came in through the door when you started spouting all your hormonal outrage about Eridan and him kissing your god awful hands! Now listen to me and quit being in denial! You fucking like the guy okay?! End of story! Whatever other bullcrap you find yourself in with him is nothing that the rest need to know about until you finally accept the emotional outrage that is burning deep within your pathetic heart got it! So make up your mind Captor! Either accept it and move along with life, or keep denying it until someone gets hurt. Make a choice dumbass," And with that Karkat drops the call on his best friend and turns to Kanaya.

"Are you sure that was a wise move Karkat?" she asks.

"Kanaya we both know how this will go,"

"Very well i shall take your word for it,"

Meanwhile, Sollux holds his phone tightly and lets out a frustrating groan as the bus pulls up. He sits in a seat all the way in the back and holds his hand over his lips as he contemplate everything that had just happened and his emotions through out it all. He stares at his knuckles and rubs them with his other thumb in slight gentle circles. He groans again and holds his head tightly with a blush.

"Accept it...or deny it....?"

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