Some Ex's can hurt

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Ever since the make out session in the bathroom, Sollux and Eridan continued to be near each other twenty-four seven and everyone was relieved to finally hear that they were together. Although Aradia found it hard to watch her ex be with someone else, she accepted their relationship, and along the way she stumbled onto another person. Respectively, everyone was okay with this. However, one ex in particular was not happy with the relationship that Sollux and Eridan had build up. And they were determined to ruin it.

With the Thanksgiving vacation now beginning it allowed the boys to be free and spend time alone without the crowds of many people. Without the drama. And without the pressures of school or work. However, they never fully went on an official date and believed that it was time for them to attempt one. But even they knew something would go wrong either way.

"ED are you sure about this?"

"Whale we haven't had single date yet, we should plan one,"

"I dont know..." Sollux rubs his neck unsure how to approach this situation.

"Sol please...?" Eridan leans closer to him and gives him a pleading look. Sollux's eye twitches as he glares at his idiot of a flame. But soon Eridan's phone rings. He answers it, but then immediately hangs up.

"What the hell wS that ED?"

"Do you remember that girl from elementary school that used to live in our neighborhood? The girl with glasses and braces? She also had an obsession with fish and sort of fought Feferi?"

" mean Rachelle? The girl who dated you for like a few months? When you reached the end of middle school?"

"Yeah...that was her.....she was insane Sol. Mad with obsession over me!"

"Did she say anything?"

"Her mega hit line! She said, heyyy royal fishmate!"

"Shit she always said that in elementary school to bad is she?"

"She got into a fight with Feferi because I had broken up with due to the fact that I had a crush on fef, but she got so obsessed she wanted to get rid of her,"

"So like a yandere from a random anime,"


"She moved though..."

"But that call can only mean one thing! S..she's gotta be back!"

"Calm down she doesn't know where I live, never did. She never knew which house was mine. We confused her so it's fine,"

"She's gonna try Sollux I swear she whale!"

"ED shut the fuck up everything will be okay, and we will do our whole date thing. How about going to the god damn aquarium alright?"

Eridan's eyes light up brightly.


"Yeah yeah, I'll order the tickets and take a day off work,"

"You work?"

"I fix a bunch of computers and install programs and shit,"

"Oh I never knew....well anyway yes! Thank you very much Sol!" He shouts as he tightly embraces his boyfriend with a grin knowing Sollux doesn't like being hugged so tightly.

"ED're fucking crushing me let go!"

"A kiss first,"

"What the fuck?! ED get off!"

"But soooooo~llll,"


"Pwease?!" He cries. Sollux growls blushing, but pins Eridan against the wall of the room and roughly kisses him forcing his tongue into his mouth. Eridan muffles a few sounds as he tries to get out of the pinned position, but Sollux had no plan to release him just yet. Eridan asked for it therefore he was going to get one heck of a kiss. He lifts a knee up in-between his legs pinning them there. Eridan let's out a muffle sound and gasps just as Sollux pulls away.

"Happy ED?" He says with a grin. Eridan's facial expression screamed lustful as it was colored in a passionate induced red and his breathing hitched along with his half way closed eyes. Sollux chuckles and let's him go only to run out of the room.

"Night ED!"

"W..wha?! H.hey! Sol!" Eridan sighs and covers his face. "Oh my glubbing...W..why did it have to be him?"

The next day in first class both boys sit together listening to their mixed up music playlist, and as soon as the bell rings the teacher calls for everyone's attention. Both boys sat and faced forward with bored expressions just as the teacher suddenly introduces a new student.

"Please introduce yourself,"

"My name is Rachelle. Rachelle Salona,"

Eridan freezes up in his seat as he looks at his old ex. Her appearence different than how it used to be when they were younger. Her hair was grown and pushes tailored with the color black, her glasses of a pink shade and wide around her eyes, her braces removed from her now straightened teeth, and her outfit consisting of a purple long sleeved turtle neck and a pair of blue jeans. A bag hanged around her body that was decorated in fish patterns and a drawing pad with a fish drawn on it with a sharpie.

"Shit....nevermind ED we may have an issue here..." Sollux says quietly as he holds his hands up over his lips while resting his elbows on the table. His body tense and a piercing glare that remained hidden behind his glasses.

"I..I told youSol...." He says with a small quivering fear left in his voice as he stares at the girl who could only look at the whole classroom, but face them with a bright and suspicious smile. She slowly made her way to the back of the room and took the seat beside Eridan. He keeps his gaze to his desk and tries to ignore the eyes of a stalker staring dead at him. He clutches his scarf and tightens it around his neck while covering more of his lips. Next thing he knows the class ends and just as he's prepared to leave with Sollux a pair of arms cling to his own.

"Did you miss me Eridan? I've missed you for so lo~ng!" Rachelle says with a sadistic sound in her voice. But another pair of arms pulls Eridan away from her and into their own grasps.

"I'm sorry but back the fuck off. This fish head is mine, just so you know. Don't go thinking you can just go ahead try to cling to him so easily, Second rated fish head," Sollux says as he keeps his arms around Eridan tightly his glare fighting with Rachelle's in an intense battle of love for the Ampora.

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