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Lord I am so sorry for being so late with this update! DX life has been busy and while I have tried to update the other books I have just been unable to reach this one.
Thank you for your patience! And as a special treat here is some major smut!



It's early morning as Eridan prepares to move back into his father's home, now that his father has changed his opinions and views. Though he enjoyed being with the Captor family, he was feeling homesick for the passed couple of months since he had been gone. Now he was allowed to go back and follow a path for himself without anyone in his way. Well, almost anyone.

"Are you really gonna move back...?"

"Yes. I've finally gotten the chance to sea him again and work out our problems..and fishues. Cronus won't be coming back since he has his own place, but I want to go back and connect with my father again,"

"Yeah I know," Sollux says as he folds his arms.

"You're acting very weird Sol, aren't you happy for me?"

"Course I am dumbass...there's nothing wrong.."

"Sol you're lying to me and I know you are. Tell me water is bothering you?"

"This whole moving thing alright?" He hisses quietly as he folds his arms tightly and turns his head to avoid the Ampora's gaze.

"Sol I promise it won't change much of anything to how our relationship already is. We have dealt being separated long enough have we not?"

"I guess..."

"Then understand everything will be alright, besides I'll be staying over for the weekends so it's not too much of a deal,"


Eridan sighs at the tone of his words and grows frustrated with his unbelievable attitude. He goes over and pulls on his collar forcing him to look at him. He moves his glasses up over his head and stares into his double shaded colored eyes.

"Look directly at me Sollux Captor,"

The bee loving boy stares into the purple eyes of his boyfriend and felt trapped in his sudden serene gaze.

"Normally it would be me worrying...But you? It's not normal Sollux...Trust me when I say things whale bee fine okay?"

Sollux blinks in shock realizing that his worries were completely over exaggerated. He lowers his head and let's out a small chuckle. He grabs his hand that held onto him, and lunges forward. Their lips connect immediately as his other arm wraps around his waist nudging him forward against his own. Eridan holds his hand tightly allowing their fingers to be laced around the other as their kisses grew more intense with a slip of a tongue. He lets out a small moan in between each breath he manages to take, until one gets caught in his throat by a sudden rush of his body being pushed to the wall. Sollux separates their lips with the tip of his tongue inches away from his boyfriends' tongue. As their breathing slowly hitched with every touch of their lips gliding against the skin of the other, both boys couldn't stand the sweet torture being displayed over each other equally. Eridan bites his lip and pushes Sollux back allowing him to break free and rush to the door closing it and locking it completely. Sollux closes the windows and blinds preventing the sun's rays from entering the room.

The two rush to the other rushing to remove all unwanted clothing. Eridan sets his glasses down and pulls his scarf off as Sollux sets his glasses aside and removes his t-shirt. With each shedding of clothing the two get closer with their gazes being clouded by sheer bliss and lust.

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