Answered questions

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A month has now passed since Eridan had returned from the Hospital and his wounds were recovering at an incredibly fast rate, but of course he still couldn't participate in any major activities until he was fully healed. He was able to walk just fine, but the doctor recommended for someone to be with him whenever he walked around. And who else to get stuck with the job other than Sollux Captor himself. Under the command of his fsther, Sollux was now stuck as Eridan's personal escort for every and any class he had. It was already irritating enough for him to have to live with the sea lover, but now he had to be beside him everyday! But there was one thing that made it more embarrassing than irritating. Whenever the two were together Sollux felt relieved, he felt anger but also a sense of calmness and also a great sense of total and complete confusion over his own emotions ever since he had forced a kiss onto the Ampora's lips. It was just the action that came to his mind at that time. But now he fully regretted it because he still hasn't been able to put his heart at peace.

In gym class, everyone sat together chatting and their entire class period together. However, the only one sitting in silence was Sollux. He just couldn't focus at all. And its been this way for over a month and he still just couldn't get himself straightened out! The more he's around Eridan the more of an urge he has that creeps up on him.

'What the fuck is this urge?! Why the hell do i have it?! And why is it only toward him!?'he thought to himself. 'Why do I feel like this?!'

"You are a mess right now Sollux," Aradia says out of the blue. She sits beside him and gazes at him with a worried glance.

"Gee thanks for the observation captain obvious...."

"No need to bee rude the wsy I hope you know everyone in the group is already on point with you,"

"On point? What the fuck are you talking about AA?"

"About the fact that you are in love with Eridan," she says with a whisper.

His face flushes red with a wave of heat that engulfed the very pores of his cheeks.

"What the?! No! I don't!"

"Stop denying it both get crazy without the other around and you kissed him remember? You told atleast a few of us what happened and you completely went mad raging questions all over the place,"

"Because I didn't know why I ended up picking that exact moment to do that!" He half shouted, half whispered.

"You said he was asking questions upon questions right?"


"Well you obviously answered his question and also ends up shutting him up afterward,"

"Ugh AA stop it..besides how are you okay with this?"


"I know you have been planning to get back with me...",

"Oh right well...I can't force you to do anything Sollux. And i just want to see you happy. And if he's the one you want to be with then I have no right to butt in or to judge you," she says with a smile. She hugs her dear ex tightly and let's go just as the bell rings. At that moment, Eridan glanced over and witnessed the whole exchange. He glares and turns his face back around not wanting to even look toward the two anymore than he already has. Sollux walks overand taps on his shoulder. He turns to him with an annoyed look written all over his face.

"Let's go or else we'll be late," he says.

"Fine," Eridan says and simply follows him without a word. As the two walk along the halls carefully among the crowd of students, Sollux's mind began to wander without a warning. He noticed the attitude change in Eridan and wondered what was going on with him.

"Sol?!" Eridan shouts among the crowd of students just as he had lost him for a moment. He turned in every direction and just couldn't get a glance of his companion anywhere. He wasn't permitted to roam about on his own until next week and because of all the recent incidents the massive crowd of students began to scare him. He grew to dislike the crowds. He didn't enjoy the small spaces. He felt like he was being swallowed. He crouches to the floor with a hand to his chest as he felt his heart race with the overwhelming anxiety that spread all over his body. His inhaled breaths became shorter and his exhales just as short, and his body trembles with fear. His eyes began to water. His hands wrapped around his upper arms as he lowered his head to his knees. He whimpered softly, "Sol...."


His head snaps up to the call of Sollux's voice and lifts his head all the way up just as the red and blue glasses wearing boy appears stumbling on through with his hand stretched out toward the Ampora. Eridan quickly grabs his hand just as his friend pulls him up off the floor.

"Ed are you alright? I walked too far ahead and-" before he could finish his sentence the Ampora could only hug Sollux tightly as his body still trembled in fear. Sollux sighs with slight blush and offers for the two to take a break in the bathroom since their next class was a study hall. The boys entered the bathroom and waited as it cleared out. Eridan removed his glasses and washed his face at the sink as his breathing began to slow down to its normal state. He leans over the sink and sniffles a bit.

"This is just reely an Ampora, who just cowers to the floors like a fish to the seafloor like a little toad,"

"It's called Anxiety idiot, you're just not used to the crowd anymore after what happened to you. It was traumatic so it's effected you heavily." Sollux says with his arms folded as he leaned against the wall. Eridan places his glasses back on and turns to him. He was calmer now, and felt safe wit him near him but the anger and envy he felt beforehand was still there deep inside.

"Sol, tell me why was she touching you?"


"Why was Megido placing her hands on you?"

"It was just a simple friendly hug ED there was nothing there!...W..wait? Why are you even fucking worried about that?! You were just having a panick attack!"

"That doesn't answer my question,"

"I don't fucking care, why the fuck do you care about her touching me?!"

"You inconsiderate undermining lower life land dwelling bee!" He shouts in anger, "What do you mean why?! Why do you feel the need to just mess with my feelings like this?! Why did you kiss me?! Why do I feel like you like me, but at the same time feel like you're only doing this to just make me feel better!?" Tears rolled down his face as he closed in on the distance between them. "Why are you shoving me aside like this?! Be fucking honest to yourself Sol! Admit that you fucking love me!" Sollux feels his face get hotter and hotter as his cheeks turned into a cherry red color. Eridan awaits for his answer as he stares at him.

"E..Ed I...just...gah I fucking can't stand you!"

Eridan flinches.
"I can't stand being near you! Being with you all day! Everyday! You fucking live in my damn house! When I'm around you, I get angry, I get nervous, I sometimes get paralyzed! I dont know what to do with myself! I don't fucking want to believe that what I'm feeling is the right feeling! I don't know! Im fucking confused! Why do I lose my mind when it comes to you?!"

Eridan stops himself and looks to the ground. Sollux takes a deep breath and calms down as he looks up at Eridan. Eridan looks grabs his shirt with a growl and pulls him into a rough kiss. Sollux's eyes widen and just as Eridan pulls away.

"A..are you still...confused?"

Sollux doesn't move. But as soon as Eridan's begins to turn away, Sollux's hand moves on its own and pulls his face back toward him and kisses him unfairly as he slips his tongue into his mouth making it rough. Eridan in response fights back creating a heated make out session that could go on for a while. The two pull away breathing heavily with flushed faces knowing that their questions were now officially answered.

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