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As soon as the photo of Eridan and Rachelle reached the eyes of Sollux, he couldn't believe it. But it was hard to tell who kissed who. He could only assume that his former boyfriend had made the move. But at the same time he was still unsure, but his temper and accusation had turned him down a horrible direction, leading to their break up. Did he regret it? He wasn't sure. Ever since his feelings started going wild, he's been losing his mind and completely is unsure on what to do with himself. The day of the break up,both boys returned home separately, one who ignored the irritation of his older brother and went into his bedroom without a word; and the other who returned pestered with questions from everyone that he knew. The picture was out and it was released everywhere to everyone. What more could possibly humiliate him than all the other previous experiences that led him to where he was now? He was unsure. He entered into his room, laid on his bed, turned off his phone,and buried his face into his pillow. How could he prove to Sollux that he was innocent and that someone had framed him? 

As the days passed, rumors began to spread like wild fire throughout their classes. People began to suspect that Eridan only used Sollux, and that he was dating Rachelle. At the same time, Rachelle herself took these accusations to her advantage and continued to pester Eridan in many ways. She clung to him, sat beside him in each class they had together, followed him around, gave him kisses on the cheeks, and even going so far as to just call him her boyfriend and starting rumors of her own. It was all a complete mess and he didn't know anyway to stop it. As long as that picture was out there, then there was nothing he could but deny everything that was being said. 

Meanwhile, Sollux had been doing his best to ignore everything that was being said around him. He's skipped class, hacked into a few computers out of rage, got caught into a fight with a few bullies, ignored his friends, and returned to his dull world created for his mind of solitude. At lunch the two boys sat in different parts of the school, with Sollux sitting at a table on his own with his laptop, and Eridan out in the courtyard with Rachelle who continues to pursue him. The others just sat in dismay wondering what exactly had led to all of the rumors and accusations.

"This is just fucking ridiculous! Obviously, something is wrong here and all of us know it! And we know Eridan is a douche and flirted with everyone in the past, but that lil shit changed and we know it!"

"This is all reely sad, and glubbing wrong, and Eridan is always one to spout out how loyal he would be in any relationship. He would let the ship sail across the sea without any doubts," Feferi says.

"Yeah but Sollux is an idiot! So we fucking know how hes going to react to anything and everything in regards to Eridan even if he knows him better than the rest of us!" Karakt shouts.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" Vriska says out of the blue, "The bee head really doesn't listen to reason and he's a guy with temper issues, and it could take days, upon days, upon days, upon days-"

"We get it Vriska now shut the fuck up!" Karkat shouts. 

"First off, we need to figure out who sent that picture to Sollux and who took it," Aradia says.

"Yeah, well lets talk with Eridan and see who kissed who first, and then find out," Kanaya suggests. The others agree. "Karkat since Eridan entrusted a lot of deep feelings with you, considering you both had an understanding of common interests and such, please be the one to converse with him upon the matter so that we may seek the truth and continue from there,"

Karkat groans and finishes his lunch as he tosses his tray and heads to the courtyard where Eridan sat with Rachelle who was just completely forcing herself onto him. He growls and storms over and taps her shoulder. She turns to him with a smile, but then frowns.

"What do you want?" she hisses.

"First of all, bitch move the fuck over because you're too close to Eridan who doesnt even give a damn about you. Second of all, i need to talk to old fish head, and third i don't need your fucking permission to speak to him or be near him. Now kindly get the fuck out of my way!" he snaps. Eridan turns to Karkat quickly wih a gaze filled with a void of emptiness and no care for anything. Rachelle glares at  Karkat and stands from where she is sitting she looks to Eridan and smiles placing a hand to his cheek tenderly making him flinch a bit. 

"Sea you later love," she says with a small peck to his cheek as she moves away and skips along to her next class. Students stared with mixed feelings of the whole situation, and boys were questioning how he could be so cold and ignoring her tactics of so called affection. Karkat grabs his wrist and pulls him along to the bathroom and closes the door and leans on it. 

"Now i want you to fucking tell me the truth so that we can get this whole thing straightened out,"

"Water's there to straighten out?" he asks quietly, "Sol whale never trust in me again after all of this..."

"And how do you know that?"

"I just do..."

Karkat sighs, "Whatever look, the rest of us know that you wouldn't do Sollux wrong like this, so we want to help prove that you're innocent and that everything else is bullshit. So tell me what happened the day that damn picture was taken!"

"It wasn't my fault i swear it wasn't!" he shouts as his voice began to crack. "I went after Rachelle because she kept harassing me and Sol. I told Sollux i was going to talk to her and tell her that i don't want to be with her, and that i was with someone else. She kept talking nonsense of me lying to myshell! and completely ignoring anything i was saying! She then said she would prove she was right, by pulling my scarf and forcing me into a kiss! I pushed her off the second she did it! But afterward she walked away with a smile of complete satisfaction! Next thing i know, I return back to Sollux who was leaving the school, and he got a picture of what happened and then he just dumped me on the spot..!" he crouches to the floor with his hands covering his face as tears poured from his eyes. Karkat kneels down to him and places a hand to his shoulder.

"Okay, i got your story and now i have to tell the others, and we will find out who took the picture and sent it. For now i'm asking you to just please try and shake off that bitch! She's fucking torturing you man! Get a grip and tell her to fuck off like the sadistic bastard that she is!"

He leaves the restroom and walks down the hall only to run into the witch of the hour. 

"If it isn't bitch face!" he shouts.

"Leave me and my mate alone, we love each other very much and we will not allow anyone else to interfere!" Rachelle shouts.

"You're crazy! He doesn't love you! He fucking hates you! And so does have of our entire class! And if you really want to go ahead and try to mess with us because we are doing whats right by Eridan and Sollux, then prepare for a fight cause i promise one of us is going to be bloodied up,"

"Reely now is that how you sea it? No wonder he was going through such troububble not too long ago, it's because you all are filling his head with nonsense!" she shouts.

"I don't want to hear that shit!" he shouts and walks by her brushing passed her shoulder with a shove. She glares at him and watches him leave. 

"Eridan is mine....and i will do anything...anything at all to keep it that way...." she says with a whisper as a grin widens across her face from cheek to cheek. 

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