Villain now turned victim?!

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The days have passed with peace among the group and the fellow love birds of the year. There was nothing else that could get in their way. As crazy as it sounds they were a duo that was never to be reckoned with. Everyone knows the stories of the recent months that have gone by, and they all know how their friends are just as godly like in their own ways. Protecting and savjng the other from pain whether emotional, mental, or physical. The holidays were right around the corner as great as this was not everyone was excited. Someone had managed to get sick just as vacation starts and the victim to said sickness was none other than Sollux Captor.

The bee loving boy laid in his bed completely out of it as his face felt hot like fire just being lit on the surface of his skin and leaking through the pores just to get even lower through each layer. Eridan sat his bed side taking care of him despite being overly worried himself about getting just as sick.

"Had to get sick didn't I?" Sollux says with an annoyed sigh. Eridan chuckles a bit and lightly wipes his forehead with a wet cloth.

"It's practically normal Sol...a lot of landwellers get ill around this time,"

"Not me!"

"Whale consider it a first then,"

The Captor groans in protest of excepting the irritating reality he was facing. 

"Sol you need to rest so go to sleep and also give me these," he reaches over and attempts to remove his glasses, but the sick boy grabs his wrist tightly.


"Eh? Sol don't be a stubborn fish now, let me take those shades,"

"Eridan Ampora. Don't fucking think about touching my god damn glasses,"

"Stop resisting! Give them to me Sol! It's alright...I know you still hide your eyes for a reason...but it's just me here,"

Sollux loosens his grip on him and sighs not wanting to fight and releases him.

"Thank you..." Eridan carefully removes his glasses and sets them aside as he takes a look at his boyfriend's eyes. His heart skips a beat as he takes in the sight before him. His eyes consisting of two different colors, one of brown that was closer to a copper red, and the other a bright blue. Eridan stares in awe and lightly places a hand to his face as he leans forward taking a closer look.

"What the hell are you doing...?"

"It's just....your eyes....they're....beautiful..."

"Wha?" Sollux feels his face he as t up even more as he stares up at him in shock.

"Oh...I shouldn't get you worked up when you're running a high fever, sorry sorry," he moves away and stands up. "I'll be around so call me if you need anything okay?"

"Y..yeah...." he says as the Ampora exits his room leaving the door open. Sollux stares at the ceiling and blinks. His vision may be blurry, but the gaze he saw radiating from the Ampora's eyes were clear as day. He groans and hides under his blanket. "Fucking hell....."

Eridan chuckles to himself as he sits in the living room. The expression he had just witnessed from his boyfriend was fairly amusing.

"Never knew Sol could make such a face.....heh it was cute," he says to himself. He pulls his phone out and notices a raging amount of missed calls and unread messages from one number he was jnfamiliar with. He opens up his inbox only to be greeted with a massive amount of words all rolled jnto separate paragraphs. He sighs. "Whale...I am definitely not reading that,"  he checks the call log and sees the same number calling him.  "What the cod...?" He scrolls down and sees more than ten calls,no there were at least fifty calls he had missed. He feels a wave of uncertainty fill his stomach. He sighs. He decides to get another opinion on the matter. He dials Karkat's number and waits.

"Helo? What the fuck do you want? It's early in the morning, this better be important,"

"Um..Karkat it's only ten in the morning...."

"Its too fucking early! What do you want?!"

"Well...clam it down Karkat...but do you know this number?" He reads the number out loud only to hear Karkat sigh heavily with a groan. "What is it?"

"I fucking know that's fucking Rachelle...ugh..."

"Eh? How in cod's name do you know her number?!"

"Because the obsessive bitch kept callkng me and everyone else right after that damn photo got leaked out trying to ask what happened to you and Sollux after it....she kept bugging us until she noticed how you guys broke up,"

"What should I do then?"

"Ignore the bitch now can I return to my fucking dreams?!"

" sure....yeah..."

Eridan sighs and sets his phone down just as it rings again. It was Rachelle. He lets out a frustrating groad seeing as how there was no way to sfop her then to tell her off. He grabs his phone and finally answers.

"Why in the shell are you calling me?"

Rachelle's voice quivered a bit as she let out a cough and a sniffle. "Eridan please....I know I did some reely horribubble shit to you and your crew. But mate, I need your help...!"

"Hah?! My help?! With what?!"

"Densil! The boy who picked on you at that private school...! He's coming here! To set up our wedding!"

"But aren't you getting married? Isnt that the point?"

"No! I don't want to get married! It was never my idea! My parents wanted our families to tie a knot and be business partners or something so they chose me to be the one to do it! I don't want to marry him! I'm not even ready for that?!"

"Hard to believe when you lied to the a hole world..."

"The other reason why I had done all those things was to get Densil to hate me! To want to burn me with heat so intense he could dry out the ocean! I wanted him to call of the wedding! But he's now just pissed off and ready to go through with it early!"

Eridan groans even more feeling a little sympathetic. He knows how it feels when it comes to living up to the expectations of your parents. Especially when their parents were top notch wealthy figures who always placed their children second to their carera.

"Ugh fine...what do I have to do then to help you? And it better not be something that could tear my relationship apart again!"




Eridan scratches his neck and looks up to the stairs.

"Rachelle I'll call you back...I have to ask Sollux first....."

"Fine fine," she hangs up as does he. He breaths with relief and quickly goes up to his boyfriends room to see him completely awake and on his phone.


He jumps and drops his phone. "Fuck..ED!.."

"Don't give me that...! You're supposed to be sleeping!"

"I know but I can't..."

He sighs and sits beside him and places his hand over his forehead.



"Rachelle called,"

"Why?" His tone changes immdeiately at the mention of her name as it always brung his blood to a boil.

"She needs our help and I can only sympathize..."

"Help with what? Why should we care?"

Eridan laughs a bit nervously and explains his phone call with Rachelle.

Sollux keeps his hand to his head and tries to process everything, but the more he processed it, the more comfused he got. "Hold on.....what?! WHAT?! WHAT?!

"Yes...Densil is coming...."


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