Last Day and ultimate decision

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It's the last day of the week for Eridan and as much as most were pleased with his transfer, there many who were not okay with the move at all. His friends who hated his behavior, but still cared were worried. Eridan had been quiet the whole week, he wouldn't insult no one, he kept distancing himself from everyone, he wouldn't eat, nor would he speak to sollux or feferi or even his own brother Cronus. It was all too wrong.

During lunch, everyone sat together pondering on what to do about their rich friend.

"Our parents practically don't associate unless it's all business," Vriska says with a sigh, "So my mother is out the window,"

"I think I could try..somewhat," Kanaya says, "My mother doesn't necessarily enjoy the company of Eridan's father, but she tends to be merciful and ready to offer any type of motherly needs anyone could ask for. Therefore, I can try to get her to speak to him however it's most likely possible that he will ignore her every plea,"

"My Father can possibly talk to the douchebag but fucking hell that guy hates my old man's guts to the point where he hates even thinking about him. The faces he makes whenever he sees my dad is a fucking ugh kind of face. It makes his face even more wrinkling stupid than it already is. But knowing my dad he would want to help the fucker out so I'll ask him," Karkat says.

"Anyone else?" Sollux asks as he looks around at everyone. "Guess my dad Delarosa, and Signless are the only ones then," he says with a sigh. "Guess it will have to do,"

Meanwhile as his friends plotted a way to keep Eridan around, the boy himself sat on the school roof alone contemplating on what to do once he arrived to the private school. He knew he would have to wear a certain uniform, had to act a certain way, and he would also be surrounded by only boys in his building. He groans.

He hugs his knees and sighs,"This is just too much for me.....not the greatest now...are you.....Eridan Ampora..."

"Quit acting like a pathetic shit," he turns and sees Cronus who walks over and sits next to him. He pats his shoulder lightly. "I have a way to get you out of this..."

"What?" He turns to his brother and stares at him.

"Listen Eridan I'm being kicked out of the house today myself, dad never told you because he thinks you would want to wind up following, you realize he blames my ass more for your stuff," he says with a sigh.

"But...nothing I ever did was your fault,"

"Exactly you think he really cares? Haha not entirely,"

"So where are you going?"

"Well my pal Kankri offered a room to me at his place, now we don't have a room for you but maybe you should move out of the house yourself before you're sent to hell man, find someone to take out in. Think about it," he smiles a bit and gets up walking away just as the bell rings. Eridan stays in his spot thinking about his brothers words. Should he do it? Should he move out before it's too late? He sighs and gets up.

"Why does the world hate me so?" He says as he heads to his next class.

By the end of the day his mood worsened, even more. From uncomfortable rage, to anxiousness, and now despair and depression. Sollux watched as his mood changed over and over. He did his best to not take it out on anyone but sollux made the mistake of triggering him. As Kankri would say.

In their last class for the day the two surface from each other, and sollux sits with Karkat and another kid named Equius who was just a muscle head.

"Sollux what the fuck did you do to my god damn tablet!" Karkat shouted. Sollux snickered.

"I only did a few minor touch ups," he says with a laugh.

"Minor?! Minor?! Bitch I can't fucking see shit or even look up shit because a dumbass decided be a douche and a fucking cunt and leaving my poor tablet vulnerable to all who could easily hack my shit. Thanks a lot fuck face,"

"Hahaha you're welcome,"

"Sollux!!!" He turns to Eridan who was holding his phone in great frustration.

"Hehe he found out hahaha," sollux says with an obnoxious laugh. Eridan storm over and grabs the collar of his shirt.

"What did you do to my phone?! I can't call message or even go on the internet! What the shell is wrong with you?!"

"Everything Ed,"

"Fix it now,"


"Sol do it now!" The entire class turns to them, and without the teacher there, there was no way for them to get caught or into trouble.

"ED how about asking nicely please," he says his lisp completely thick.

Eridan growls and shoves him down to the floor as he climbs over him. "Sol I am not playing around! Fix it! Do you not realize how important this is to me?!"

"How important is a dumb phone when you could easily afford a new one in a day jackass," sollux bluntly.

"How dare you?!" He shouts and throws a punch to his face just as Sollux throws him down.


"Fix it now.." Eridan says again with a growl.

"I don't have to fish head, and don't try anything when you're on bottom now,"

"Shut the glub up and get my fucking fixed! It's the only thing I flubbing have to keep me-!" He stops and remembers what his father had told him in regards ro his devices. He looks down at Sollux and sighs looking away he sets his phone down, "Take it I won't need it.....I'm forbidden to using it as of my transfer...I don't care anymore," he stands and walks out the classroom ignoring the teachers call for him once he entered the room. Sollux stares at his phone on the ground, and then looks back up to Equius and Karkat.


Sollux sighs and grabs the phone he gets up and moves out of the teachers way as he exits into the hallway. He hears a small sob and immedately knows where the little prince was hiding. In the most typicalhiding spot. He walks into the boys bathroom and looks to the last stall. He busts it open and sees Eridan hugging his knees and sitting against the wall.

"Seriously dude? The fucking bathroom?"

"Get out of my face Sol!" He shouts.

"Nah." He sits down and turns to him.

"What do you want?" He says sniffling.

"Look im sorry alright? Again for causing shit knowing you're going through bullshit family problems,"

"You have it easy don't you? one to tell you who you shouldn't or should be. Having to stop your own goals because of someone else's reputation....." He says quietly.

"Dude stop shut up. Dont fucking guilt trip me man. I fucking know,"

"Sol....can I ask a question?"


"How many rooms are in your house?"

"We have a guest room left why?"

".....If no one can convince my father to let me stay here...then....I want to move in......with you...please?"


"Please Sol!" Sollux stared at him and the thought of having him in his own home, around him all the time, of every minute, of every hour, of every DAY. He stares at the fish lover and sighs. He was going to hate himself for this, but what else could he do? He may hate the guy, but his freaking morals are fucking with his head and this guy is fucking desperate. He gives up.


Eridan's eyes light up and more tears pour from them as he tackles his rival to the floor. "Thank you sol!!!!!!!!!"

Sollux lays there his glasses off and his eyes closed. Sweat drips down his face realizing the major change he had just put into his life.


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