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As night falls, Eridan returns home and sees Cronus already leaving their home. He walks over to his car and notices Kankri helping him with the move.

"Oh welcome home Eridan, I hope I'm not intruding or anything I am simply assisting your brother in this matter of moving out of your abode due to unfortunate circumstances. However, I heard about your situation and i  apologize dearly for all of that has been happening. I hope you find some sort of peace for yourself. Well i will see you around then," Kankri bows and helps Cronus some more before they both get into the car. Cronus walks over to Eridan and hands him something.

"What is this?"

"Keep it you'll need it one day man, I'm sure that private school will wear you down. Use that and you will be glad you did," he says and smiles. "See you sometime lil guy," he ruffles up his brothers hair and leaves with Kankri. Eridan turns to his entrance door and walks in anxious of what he was going to have to face now. He walks along the main hallway and as soon as he turns to his left he sees his father sitting at the dining table with a clear expression of unhappiness.

"Eridan Ampora come here,"

Eridan walks over to him slowly and anxiously.

"Why did you think it would have been a good idea to have not only Signless and Delerosa but also Psionic to try and speak to me? Do you not realize how despicable they are? I refuse to consider any words that they could possibly leak out. This weekend you are going to prepare to move to the private dorms. Your supplies and uniform are ready. Pack whatever you need. Leave all of your devices do you hear me?" He says.


"Excuse me?"

"No! Why do you have to sink my ship like this?! I don't want to go! What the shell is your problem! What is the fishue?! I don't want to leave my school! Please dad!"

"Eridan!" He flinches at his father's tone, "Do not argue and do as you are told! If you wish to be the heir to my success then you must face the reality! This school will help you, your current school and education will not accomplish a thing. Go upstairs now and pack,"

"I refuse...I don't want this father! I just want to be normal! Like everybody else! If i can't stay here and be treated like an equal then I must go somewhere else...and i will," he says but with his eyes to the floor he fails to notice Dualscar's actions in full motion. And by the time he realizes it, he's already kneeled to the ground with his hand over his cheek. He was just hit. By his father. His very own flesh and blood. Dualscar's stares down at him.

"Honestly Cronus has had too much of an influence on you it's sickening...and disappointing. You're not going anywhere Eridan. Pack. Now. And i don't want to see you on any device until you're done." He walks off up the stairs to his bedroom and slams the door shut leaving his son to process what just happened. He had no choice but to go or else things will get worse.

Back at the Captor's home everyone was gathered in sollux's living room.

"I tried the best I could I'm sorry Sollux," Psiionic says to his son.

"It's alright...don't worry Dad..I'll get in touch with Ed..."

"Thanks for trying guys...I tried to convince dad too but he isnt having it....not at all man,"

"I can't believe it has gotten this bad....." Feferi says.

"Honestly, as much as i hold some form of distaste toward Eridan this is all completely unfair and it's emotionally abusive..."Kanaya states.

"Eridan is screwed you guys one way or another, private school is sickish and our school sucks major ass, and his father hates the fact he even decided to go to school with the rest of us since the beginning. There's no turn around here unless we force one," Vriska says with a non caring sigh.

"Let's call him," Sollux says and dials Eridan's house number and puts the phone on speaker. Eridan answers it quietly.


"Ed it's us,"

"Oh....hi everyone...look this is not a good time to chat...I have to be packing my things."

"Dude Eridan bro..!" Gamzee shouted with a lazy grin, "Come to us man,"

"I can't...."

Just then another voice shouts from the background and then a bang is heard. "Eridan Ampora get off of the phone now!" Another crash.

"Father stop it! I can't pack if you're going to throw all of my things around!" A thud. Another slam. A boom. And then the door slamming. Eridan comes back moments later his voice quivering. "I..I....I'm sorry...e...everyone......please...don't call again........and don't come to see me off. Thank you for trying....really...and im sorry for the idiotic behaviors I ever displayed to you guys..I have to go....goodbye everyone," he hangs up and leaves the room silent.

"We're seeing him off aren't we?" Karkat asks.

Sollux stands with tight fists, "Hell yeah we are!"

"We should all present gifts as well so that he doesn't feel too alone," Kanaya suggests.

"Good idea, everyone make sure to bring something he can actually keep with him at all times got it? Now everyone leave there's a lot to do, so go,"

As soon as everyone leaves Sollux sits in his room contemplating on what to give him.

"What does a douche like Eridan like..what does he like I should know this since I've known him most of my life. Romcons, the ocean, fashion, ugh...what the fuck... jewelry...shit relationships........" He sighs. He tries to make sense of himself, but at the moment his mind was focused on Eridan. He couldn't stop thinking about him no matter how hard he tried. He knew that without Eridan around however, it left him with an empty feeling. Once again, someone he cares for, or in this case hates, is moving away from him. Leaving him behind. Without a choice. Being lonely once more, was not something he wanted to tolerate. Not at all. But it's just how he felt when he moved from the area as a kid, same feeling when aradia broke up with him, and now it's the same with Eridan. The one person he can't stand the most.

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