Truth and sudden proposal?!

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Ever since Karkat meddled within Rachelle and Eridan's time together he has become more cautious than ever, and more than willing to cause further damage to the girl's insane fantasies of lies along with her sadistic passions toward Eridan. She was even more determined to keep him closer to her than anyone else. And everyone knew it too and decided to avoid the two even if they were not together. The whole school was now starting to realize what kind of case the Ampora was having, but no one was wishing to get involved, no one except his friends. Starting with Karkat who had planned to speak to Sollux immediately after school. 

He waits at the front gate with his hood pulled up and his headphones blasting loud music into his ears. As soon as he noticed Sollux's figure getting closer he stands up straight and removes his ear buds along with his hood. He walks over to him as plainly as possible.

"Hey Sollux," 

The boy looks up to his grouchy friend and sighs, "What do you want KK? I'm busy heading home ready to go to sleep or practice my hacking,"

"Okay first, don't give me the bullshit attitude that gets worse when you're fucking moody or depressed you dumbshit, second of all i need to have a word with you and before you even fucking ask cause i know you fucking will, yes it's about Eridan. Don't say no, because you know that i know that you know that i'm not gonna leave you alone until we have this conversation, is that clear enough for ya?"

Sollux could already feel his heart tighten at the mentioning of Eridan, and whatever Karkat had to say was not what he was wishing to hear right now. He didn't want to hear anything but the sounds of his fingers tapping along the keys of his keyboard at home to help him forget the reality that surrounds him. But knowing his best friend, he knew he had no choice but to agrre to his request.

"Alright fine...but we're not discussing this at my house, lets go somewhere else,"

"Good idea! In fact, i know exactly where we should go!" Karkat grabs his arm and drags him off down the street ignoring the four eye's protests. 

Their destination turned out to only be Karkat's house, however there was one thing that made Sollux hesitant about stepping in through the door, no two things to be exact. As soon as Karkat unlocks the door and walks in he's greeted with a warm welcome from his older brother Kankri.

"Hello there Karkat welcome home, i managed to get here way earlier than you did and i'm surprised because we usually go home together. What exactly drove you to wait around for so long?" he asks, but then notices Sollux standing beside with a rather displeased look on his face. "Oh, Captor i didn't see you there at first, welcome to our home. Although, i don't know if this is a place you should be in..considering Cronus is here....and he's no pleased with you..and  i honestly don't want any trouble or any kind of triggers to be present at the moment-"

"Ugh shut up Kankri! And let me go!" Karkat struggles and shoves his brother aside as he drags Sollux in and slams the door shut. "First of all, fuck Cronus okay?! It's actually a good thing he is here! Where is he?! Cronus!!!"

"Sup'?....chief...."The Ampora steps out from Kankri's room and immediately glares at Sollux who could only watch him from behind the glass of his glasses. He pushes them up slowly and keeps his gaze straight at the greaser. "Why the hell is here?"

"Shut the fuck up, sit down, Kankri you too unless you want to grab some drinks and snacks, i don't want complaints just don't do anything or say a fucking word unless i fucking tell you to!" he grabs sollux again by his forearm and shoves him onto the couch. Cronus sits across from him on the other side of the living room without even moving his gaze away from him not once. 

Karkat sits inbetween the two and sighs, "Now the reason why he is here Cronus, is because i wanted to talk to him about everything that has been happening with Eridan, and before you start throwing a fucking hissy fit let me finish what i have to say. So don't fucking interrupt me and Sollux don't do anything to earn yourself a fist to the face by this other fish head," 

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