Louis Tomlinson, My Best Friend

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"Stop!" I screamed, as Louis Tomlinson, my best friend picked me up.

"Say you love me." Louis said.

"Never!" I screamed.

"Well then, I hope you feel like swimming." Louis laughed.

"Fine! I love you!" I screamed, as Louis started to run towards the pool.

"Too late." Louis said as he jumped into the pool while holding me tightly.

I wiggled out of his hold and quickly hopped out, looking for a towel. There didn't seem to be any and I didn't have spare clothes. Good thing I lived a few houses down.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to get you mad." Louis apologized.

"It's ok," I laughed "I'll get you back."

We went inside and dried up. I headed home, tired and still a bit wet. I unlocked the front door. My mom was on the phone. She works from home.

"Hi mom." I greeted her as I entered.

"Dinner is on the stove." She told me while covering the mouthpiece "Go upstairs and change. We'll talk later."

I went upstairs and changed,  throwing my dirty clothes into the laundry basket. My mom would call me down when dinner was ready. I looked at the clock. Five minutes till dad got home.

I started to dust my picture frames. The one of Louis and I when we were seven caught my eye. We looked so adorable, though Louis always argued he was cuter.

I heard the garage open and knew my dad was home. I also heard my mom was call me down. I went downstairs and gave my dad a hug before going into the kitchen. My mom was off the phone. As I was helping her set dinner, I realized what was coming.

"So Y/N, how come you came home wet?" She asked.

"I slipped and fell into Louis's pool." I lied.

That was the end of that discussion. My dad came in and we all said our prayers before eating. It was my favourite today: poutine.

When I was done eating, I picked up my dishes and took them to the sink before I washed them and went upstairs to bed.

Louis Tomlinson, My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now