Chapter 10

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I woke up his morning feeling refreshed, since I went to bed a little earlier than I usually do. Yesterday had been such a great day. The sunlight felt good on my skin. It was peaking through the window from between my curtains. I went to the bathroom and freshened up.

When I came back into my room, I grabbed my diary from under my mattress. I felt like writing in it today. I took out my special diary pen and flipped open to my last entry. I briefly skimmed through it before turning to the next page. I started writing,

Dear Diary,
So in the past few days, James and I broke up. Me and Louis started dating. We had our official first date yesterday at the carnival. James won me that penguin plush that I had wanted. Even though we're not dating, I still kept it. I think I might like James, but either way I'm with Louis now. I have this gut feeling tough that something bad is gong to happen. I just can't shake that feeling off. The day me and James broke up was our anniversary. We broke up because he went to see his friends at the party we went to and I waited for him for half an hour. I then called Louis and he took me to the beach and asked me out. Turns out, he was using Eleanor to make me jealous. James called me and asked me where I was. I broke up with him and then he told me he hooked up with a pretty girl. I'm not sure if he really couldn't find me and just said he hooked up with a pretty girl to make me feel bad or not. The party was pretty crowded. I have to go and change since I can hear my parents downstairs. 

I shut my diary and slid the pen back into the binding. I put it back under my mattress. Then, I pulled together an outfit and put it on. I combed my hair and put on some matching jewellery. I went downstairs just as my dad was heading for the door. It was finally Friday.

"Bye dad!" I waved.

"Bye!" He called back before shutting the door.

I greeted my mom who was clearing up the kitchen table. I grabbed my bowl and poured some milk in, and then I microwaved it. My cereal was in the pantry so I got it and took out my bowl of milk from the microwave and set it on the table. My spoon was in the cutlery drawer, so I got it and sat back down. I took out a handful of cereal and put it in the bowl, then put in another handful. I started eating my breakfast. I was still hungry so I took a second serving. When I was done, I put my bowl and spoon in the sink. My bowl and spoon were the only dishes that I used that I couldn't eat in if I washed them.

I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs. The funny thing was even though I went to bed earlier than usual, I woke up later than usual. My phone vibrated and my text tone went off. I had a message from someone. I opened the Messages app and I opened up the message. It was from a number that was not added in my contacts.

The message read "Hey. This is my new number. This was my old one: 1234567890." There was no name.

I searched for that number in my contacts, but there were no matches, so I texted back  "Who is this?"

"You forgot my number already? Its James. Do you remember me now?" Whoever it was replied.

"Oh." I texted him.

I wonder why he texted me his new number. We are done. But no matter how hard I tried to push away that little piece of my heart that was lit up with hope, the feeling just wouldn't die down. My phone started ringing. It was Louis. I answered the call.

"Hey babe! Your awake." I greeted him.

Louis replied "Hi Y/N! Yes, I finally woke up. So what're our plans for today? You said you would see me tomorrow."

"I know." I said thoughtfully, "What do you want to do?"

"My mom is coming over to your house at 12:00pm. You want to come over?" Louis suggested.

"Sounds great. Be there at 12:00pm. Love you." I said.

"Okay. Love you too Y/N!" Louis said, ending the call.

I had just over an hour to get ready. I was going to wear the outfit I had put on this morning. I brushed my hair again, it was a bit messy. I put on two bow barrettes. I dug in my closet for a matching purse. After about five minutes of searching, I found one. I put in my lip gloss, a half empty pack of gum and my phone. I went to use the bathroom again. When I came back, I looked myself over in the mirror. I felt pretty. In about half an hour, I had to be at Louis's house.

I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. I forgot to ask my mom if I could go. My keys were on the key holder, so I put them in my purse. My mom had gotten ready and was fixing the house up.

"Hey mom, can I go to Louis's house today?" I asked.

"His mom is coming over today. Why don't you invite Louis over to our house?" My mom responded suspiciously.

"Mom, he is going back on tour soon. I haven't seen him in a while since he was on tour. If we go to public places, his fans come and it gets annoying because we can't talk. If he wears a disguise, it's awkward. We were going to watch Devil's Due." I tried to convince my mom.

My mom sighed, clearly thinking it over. "Fine. But the you have to do the dishes tonight at dinner. You have to be back by 4:00pm."

"Alright, I will." I said smiling, "Thanks mom!"

"You're welcome sweetie." She said, continuing to fix up our house.

"Do you need any help?" I asked her.

"Yes, could you make sure all the painting and frames are straight?" My mom answered.

"Sure." I said, walking around.

I started to check the paintings and frames. I had to slightly adjust a few, but it wasn't that bad. Around ten minutes later, I was done.

"Mom, I'm leaving!" I yelled from the foyer.

"Ok Y/N, when you come back, tell me how the movie was." She yelled back.

I found a matching pair of flats and put them on.

I opened the door an screamed "Bye mom!"

"Goodbye honey, lock the door on your way out." She yelled back.

I pulled out my keys to lock the door, but I saw Mrs. Tomlinson coming, so I decided to wait for her.

As she neared, I greeted her "Hi Mrs.Tomlinson! How are you?"

I opened the door as she replied "Hello Y/N! I'm doing fine, how about you?"

"I'm great."  I said smiling as she stepped inside.

I closed the door and locked it. I started walking towards Louis's house. When I reached his house, I rung the bell. He opened shortly after. As soon as I saw Louis, I gasped. He looked so hot. Hotter than usual and usually he's pretty hot.

"Hey Y/N! What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"Hi! Nothing, you just surprised me." I replied, stepping into his house.

I took off my flats and kissed him. We went inside to his family room.

"Let's watch Devil's Due." I suggested.

"Sure." He said putting it on.

"I'll make the popcorn and grab the sodas.' I notified him.

Louis murmured "Ok."

I went into his kitchen and pulled out a packet of microwaveable popcorn. I put it in the microwave and took out the popcorn bowl. I had been coming here so often since I was a kid that I knew where everything was. When the microwave beeped, I took out the bag of popcorn. It was pretty hot. I let it cool off for about a minute before opening it and pouring it into the popcorn bowl. I went into the pantry and took out two cans of coke. I picked up the bowl of hot popcorn and the two soda cans and walked into the family room. I set the stuff down onto the coffee table. Louis was already seated on the couch, waiting for me. I snuggled up beside him, pulling the blanket over me and putting the bowl of popcorn between us. He started the movie.

***Whenever I put those stars, it means its a message from me and not a part of the story. If you like this story, please be sure to vote because it motivates me to write more. I'll be updating every Monday.***

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