Chapter 24

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*Two Months Later*

Louis returned from tour yesterday. It's finally Friday so today after my seminar Louis and I are going to get lunch like we used to every Friday. I'm really glad our friendship has still remained intact since I expected it to be awkward now.

"Everyone dismissed!" The professor spoke loudly, jolting me out of my thoughts along with half of the room.

I quickly gathered up my things as I got up. Louis would be waiting for me in the front since he had insisted on driving me this morning. I walked into the parking lot, searching for his car which was in the corner. As I made my way towards it, the engine turned on. I got into his car and shut the door.

"Hello!" I greeted Louis.

"Hey, Y/N! Where do you want to go for lunch today?" Louis asked, backing out of the parking spot.

"How about that one diner that makes those great rolls?" I suggest while fastening my seatbelt.

"As you wish. It's my treat today, by the way." Louis reminded me.

I sighed, "I know. Lately, it has been your turn every week though."

Louis chuckled before replying, "I'm a gentlemen. I wouldn't let a lady pay and besides, I'm sort of rich now so it doesn't really matter now."

"Yeah, but it is not fair," I groaned, "I can't keep letting other people pay for me."

"Well, I'm not like other people; I'm your best friend. End of discussion." He finished, leaving no room for any more arguing.

"It's not like you were gonna let me win anyways." I muttered, a sinking feeling appearing in my gut.

"You know me so well." Louis grinned as he turned into a parking lot.

"Yeah, as do you." I pointed out.

He parked the car. I was still confused as I looked around.

I stated the obvious, "This isn't the diner."

"I know," Louis continued as he got out of the car, "I just needed to withdraw some money from my bank account."

"Oh." I muttered, getting out of the car after him.

We walked into the bank and made our way towards the machine. Louis got in line as I followed him. There were only two more people in front of us. We made small talk as we waited.

All of a sudden, a voice yelled, "Get down right now everyone!"

I looked at Louis as we both got onto our knees. He gave me a comforting smile as I looked around nervously.

"Empty out every single one of them!" Another voice commanded to the two tellers.

"Hey, you!" The first voice said.

I looked around to see who the voice was talking to. I froze when I realized one of the masked guys was looking at me.

"Keep your eyes down while you have them." He threatened, causing me to look down.

"You're crossing the line now." Louis said loud and clearly through gritted teeth.

I shot Louis a look. What was he thinking! These guys were armed.

"What was that?" The guy came up to Louis.

"You heard me. No one threatens my girl!" He straightened himself, looking the guy square in the eye.

"Your girl? But we broke up over two months ago." I pointed out.

"Doesn't matter. I still love you, Y/N. I always have and I always will." Louis clarified.

"Aww, I love you too Louis. I never stopped loving you." I responded.

"Are you guys done with your mushy crap now?" The guys impatiently urged us, "Because we have a conversation to continue here."

The sound of sirens sounded in the distance. I looked at Louis hopefully. Sadly, I was too quick in my judgement because we were not safe yet.

"Shit!" The other guy swore as he pointed his gun at Louis.

"This is all your fault!" The first guy said as the second one fired a shot at Louis.

"Louis!" I screamed in realization while the robbers made their escape.

He looked at his arm as I got up and rushed to his side. Luckily, the bullet only scratched the side of his arm.

"Oh my gosh, I was about to have a meltdown." I admitted, "Thank goodness it's not that bad."

"Princess, it takes more than a bullet to kill me." Louis smirked egotistically.

I rolled my eyes, "And to think I could've lost you."

"Y/N, I know there has been some misunderstandings between us," Louis continued seriously, "but I'm willing to start off on a clean slate if you are."

"What do you mean exactly?" I asked for clarification

He clarified, "I'm willing to put everything behind us and start fresh. Will you be my girlfriend again?"

I lit up with joy as I excitedly accepted his offer, "Yes! Of course I will!"

"Calm down, Y/N." Louis laughed at my reaction.

"What? I know you're just as happy as I am." I pointed out.

"Touché." Louis agreed.

"But why did you wait two months?" I asked.

Louis sighed, deep in thought before answering, "Well, this incident made me realize life is too short to not make the most of it. Either one of us could die anytime and frankly, I'd rather die being in a relationship with you than not. At least that way my soul would be satisfied. If you want something, than go get it because life is too short to not be happy."

"Whoa, what's with the deep and meaningfulness?" I tried to lighten the mood.

One of the cops came to question us, so we had to end our conversation. Louis took my smaller hand into his larger one and gave me an encouraging smile, which I returned.

*One Hour Later*

I sat across from Louis Tomlinson, my boyfriend, at the diner. After we filled out some paperwork and answered the questions, the officers let us go.

"This is so good." I stated the obvious.

Louis nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, they have the best rolls."

"A chicken sandwich for you and a baloney sandwich for the lady." The waiter confirmed as he placed our food down.

"Actually, my girlfriend would like a refill of her iced tea please." Louis smirked at me.

"Of course sir." The waiter left with my glass.

I looked at Louis in disbelief, "My glass was half full still."

"I know." Louis confirmed.

"Then why did you get me a refill?" I pressed.

Louis was still smirking as he answered, "So I could say 'my girlfriend' and let him know you're mine."

I rolled my eyes as I blushed. We went on with our lunch date after that.

***A/N: Well, this is it. This is the last chapter for this Louis Tomlinson, My Best Friend. The epilogues are going to be posted soon. I know there was a lot of cliché in this chapter, but I'm a sucker for them.***

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