Chapter 15

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I woke up this morning, relaxed and happy. My dad wasn't going to work today since it was his day off. I thought of Louis and a smile crept up on my face. I had a very pleasant dream last night, and of course it had to include Louis.

So in the dream, Louis and I were dating and flirting with each other while watching something on TV. Louis was smoking and I asked if he was trying to murder me. He asked me why I would think he was trying to murder me and I explained that 2nd hand smoking is worse than 1st hand smoking, since in 1st hand smoking some of the bad stuff gets filtered. He put out his smoke. I told him he should stop smoking, but he got mad and we had a fight. I left and went with a guy friend out to eat since I was starving, but Louis was spying on me to make sure I was safe the whole day with my friend. My friend liked me and I knew that, but my friend was willing to give up more than Louis was to date me. Giving up smoking would benefit him more than me. Later that night, I fell asleep and around 3:00 am Louis came into my room through my window, and read my diary, which I accidentally left laying on my desk. He found out how much I loved him and the reason I wanted him to give up smoking was because I didn't want him to die from lung cancer or some other smoking disease and die, leaving me alone. It would take me a lifetime to get over him since I thought he was my soul mate and no one wants a broken person. I also wrote about how much I missed him and wanted him to come and wrap his arms around me. He closed my diary after he finished reading the entry. He turned off the light and got into bed beside me and put his arm on me. Around 4:00 am, he had to leave because someone texted him something, but I asked him why he was leaving so soon. He picked me up and put me in his lap, and wrapped me in his arms. I told him that 'I missed him a lot'. I kissed his check and asked him to stay longer. He said something like ' since he missed me too, he would stay longer.' We talked a little before I fell asleep in his arms. He kissed my cheek and laid me down and left through my window. The next day when I was walking to school, he came up to me and said something along the lines of 'hey hotstuff, need a ride?' I got on the back of his motorcycle after putting on a pretty helmet. When we arrived, I got off and we flirted some more before I told him that 'it gives me butterflies to see him between classes and asked him if I would see him around. he said something like 'whatever makes my princess happy.' Then I had to go to class and I woke up.

I laid in bed, smiling until I had to pee so I went to the bathroom. I realized in the bathroom that I was starving, since my stomach was grumbling. I went downstairs to the kitchen and ate the usual. My parents were still sleeping, since the kitchen was empty and it was pretty quiet. After breakfast, I felt happy and I decided to go write in my diary what happened yesterday. So I went back upstairs to write in my diary, since I was full and had already peed, I didn't have to worry about that stuff. I got out my diary from its secret place and opened to the next blank page. I took out my diary pen and wrote the date. I couldn't remember what happened yesterday. I had to sit for a moment and focus until the bad memories broke into my mind, killing all the good ones my brain had created. So my brain had basically tried to change the memories I had. Who knew how many more it had changed. I was irritated that my life wasn't the fairy tale I'd dreamt up.

***Sorry for not updating. Wattpad wasn't working. I kept getting a message that said too many people were using it. I'll make up for it when I get the chance.***

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