Chapter 8

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We arrived at the carnival 15 minutes later. Louis was checking his hair in the side mirror. Typical Louis, always worried about his hair. We got in line for tickets. After about five minutes it was our turn, so we bought our tickets. We headed for the ring toss since I saw an adorable penguin plush. I've liked it since I saw it, the last time the carnival was in town.

"Well are you going to win me the penguin or not?" I asked Louis

"Fine, I'll try." Louis replied.

He took the first ring and threw it, missing the bottle His second throw barely got onto the bottle. His third throw was the charm because it was a perfect shot.

"Sorry Y/N, I tried." Louis said, sounding embarrassed.

"It's ok. I just wanted to see your muscles flex!" I grinned at Louis

The guy beside us won. I didn't even notice him playing because I was just looking at how good Louis looked.

The guy beside us handed me something. "I remember you wanted this penguin when I first took you to the carnival but by the time it was our turn they were finished. I had promised myself that day that I'd win it for you next time. Only, I didn't know next time the carnival would be back you would be with a different guy." James confessed, looking sort of remorseful  "I  guess things change fast. Anyways, I just want you to keep it as a gift."

I was shocked, but I replied to James "Thanks James, I didn't think you would remember, or even care!"

I gave him a hug. This really made me feel sorry for him. I wondered if he had actually hooked up with another girl, or just said it because I was breaking up with him. Maybe he couldn't find me at the party and after finally giving up, decided to call me. Maybe I was too quick in making my decision. The damage had been done, so there was nothing I could do about it. We said goodbye to James as he left. In a quick motion, I tucked the little penguin into my purse. I guess mom's nagging about carrying a purse was right.

"Not all promises have to be fulfilled, some are meant to be broken." Louis muttered under his breath.

I probably wasn't supposed to hear that, so I played it off as if I hadn't heard it. I took his hand as we walked to the couples train. The first time I had been on it was with James. We had held hands when it was dark because I heard a dripping noise. Then we had kissed in front of the kisscam. This place brought up memories about James. Even though I was using him to sort of pass my time and make Louis jealous, maybe I might've developed some feelings for him. Either way I was with Louis now, my childhood crush.

After about ten minutes of waiting in line behind couple after couple, it was our turn. We got into our cart. It seemed like half the couples in town were waiting in line for this ride and the other half were in line for the couples boat ride. The ride started two minutes after because couples were filing up the carts and the ride operator had to announce the rules. Each couple had their own cart because the cart were made to give each couple their privacy. I held Louis's hand and flashed him a smile. Louis smiled back.

We were halfway through the ride. Each cart would stop in front of the camera for the couple inside to kiss. We were next. For some reason, looking at Louis gave me butterflies.

"It's our turn next, Y/N," Louis said winking, "I'm finally going to get the kiss I was supposed to get back at the ring toss."

Our cart stopped in front of the camera. It was our turn. I didn't have to lean in that much in because the cart had its two seats close together. Louis closed the two inches between us and put his lips on mine. I saw the flash even though my eyes were closed, since it was very bright, and then heard the capturing noise. I pulled back because our cart moved up but Louis pulled me back, kissing me again.

Confused, I asked Louis "What was that for?"

"I realized I was also supposed to get a kiss for this ride. So that meant I had to get two kisses on this ride." Louis explained.

Smiling, I replied "You could've gotten one just by asking for it."

Louis shrugged. After all the couples had kissed, the carts started moving again. When the ride was over about three minutes later, we got out and walked towards the exit. I saw James near the ice cream truck, looking a bit down. I had forgotten that James had liked me. I hadn't really liked him, just thought he was good looking.

After about an hour, we went to the hotdog vendor's truck and got in line to get food. We both got hot dogs and drinks, I had only ketchup in mine, while Louis added a little bit of mustard. We finished eating and drinking about 15 minutes later. It had been about two hours. My mom was probably home now, since it was 3:00pm. I wanted to get home before my dad, so just in case he was having a bad day, he couldn't use yesterdays excuse to slap me. I had done a pretty good job covering up my bruise since Louis didn't notice it. We had about three hours before my dad got home, so we could spend another hour and a half before we thought about leaving.

We went on some more rides before it started to get a little windy. My dad was going to be home in an hour and 15 minutes, so I asked Louis to leave. He agreed, so we left the carnival and got into his car. He started the car and he drove off. About 15 minutes later, he pulled up outside my house.

"Thanks Louis, I had a really fun time. This is our official first date, right?" I asked

"Yeah. I had fun too. See you tomorrow, babe?" Louis replied

"Definitely. Love you! Bye Louis!" I said

Louis kissed me and waved to me as I got out of the car, "Bye, Y/N!"

Louis Tomlinson, My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now