Chapter 1: Blake Alone

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The sun broke through the dirt-covered window early that morning. It was warm on my skin while adding a beautiful, soft glow to the room. I was sleeping in a bed made of white sheets and a black blanket, tangled all in them from a restless night. I stirred slightly, as my faunus ears flicked with annoyance. I knew I would have to leave the safety and warmth of my bed, as I had things to do, places to go.

Sitting up, I stretch my arms above my head as my back arched, groaning as tense muscles loosened. I thought about what had to be done today, and it only brought me anxiety and depression. I still had flashbacks of what happened in Beacon, the once prestigious academy for huntsmen, even though the atrocious event took place a year ago.

I still remembered the horrendous amount of dread and horror I felt in those memories. They plagued my subconsciousness, haunting the majority of my waking moments. I tried not to remember his name, but it only came back still to terrorize me...Adam, his name resonating throughout my head. I still remembered the feeling of being stabbed and the fear that clutched my heart when I saw her.

I felt suffocated by the tide of pain that slammed into me as I clutched my chest as if that flashback happened just yesterday. My chest was tight, hardly being able to breathe with tears threatening to burst. Hunched forward, as if to curl in on myself, I took deep breaths to gather myself. This happened daily, and I barely went anywhere without something continually reminding me of what shattered my heart to pieces to begin with.

I still carried the guilt and grief from it every day on my shoulders, and it would only get worse when I thought about....her. I shook my head as I stood up, ears flattened with a faint hiss that escaped my lips. I clenched my hands into fists, white-knuckled and shaking, forcing myself to move forward and to get my gear on.

I changed into my new outfit. It consisted of a white trench coat that cascaded down to my ankles, with a slit up the back of it, going from the bottom up to my waist. The trench coat had lilac-colored lapels and inner lining, matching the lilac strap for my weapon that went diagonally across my torso. I also wore black pants, complete with a white belt, with purple leather thigh-high boots. The boots had gold outlines, one of them having a buckle that circled above my knee. I wore a black cropped-top that looped my neck and had diamond/rectangular shaped cutouts for the front of it. To complete it, I put Gambol Shroud on my back, where the strap had a magnetic holder for my weapon. I gave one last look out the window and left the room.

I headed out, cutting through the alleyways and side streets to my next destination, a pub. I normally went to this pub to gather information on people I knew, the White Fang and news on Beacon. I make sure my raven curly hair is okay before I go inside, heading for my usual spot in the corner closest to the bar.

I prop my lean, toned body against the wall, keeping my eyes cast down and pull out a book. I pretended to read it as my cat ears, that were hidden inside a black bow, were on alert for any interesting news. I managed to pick up the word "Blondie," as I felt my heart wrench in pain and guilt, nearly having a repeat of earlier. I pushed through my emotions as I listened to the conversation between two guys that sat at the bar.

The bigger guy asked in an enthusiastic tone, "did you hear about the raging huntress going around and killing Grim and White Fang members?"

The other guy answers just as excitedly, "yeah, I did. I don't remember her name, but I do remember that she broke a guy's leg in the tournament after winning. They say she went crazy."

"But you gotta admit, she is one fine ass specimen of a huntress. Like hot damn, and to top it off, strength and skills."

"Yeah, she is pretty damn hot. I heard she is just outside of town, killing more Grim or something.~"

"That's true. Well, anyway, did you hear about...."

I didn't want to listen to those chauvinists as I choked back a sob. While ignoring people that saw me, the looks of pity or concern they threw my way, I dashed out of the pub and disappeared into the shadows of the city, heading toward the outskirts. I wasn't thinking, for I didn't foresee what was about to happen.

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