Chapter 4: The New Arm

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     It's been a few weeks since that incident in the rain. We have been living in our new apartment in Mantle since we couldn't really go back to Beacon or Vale.

 The apartment was modern in style but had a cozy, warm feel to it. It had pale wood floors and floor to ceiling windows paired with thin black, flowing curtains. The living room furniture was black leather, and the dining room set was all pale wood and glass. Most surfaces were glass besides countertops, those were white, and the appliances were black. Both the living room and dining room had matching white shaggy rugs.

 The master bathroom was all glass and pale wood too, with a large master tub, walk-in shower, and two sinks. The bathroom connected to the bedroom through the walk-in closet. The bedroom had a shaggy black carpet and a bed with gold-trimmed white silk sheets paired with a black comforter. Two of the walls were literally just windows, and the other two were white walls, a door on each. One for the walk-in closet and the other to the hallway. The furniture/surfaces were all made of polished, white wood, some with gold trim.  

I was on the couch with my legs curled beneath me, reading a book. Yang was sitting by my side, getting annoyed that I wasn't paying any attention to her.

 Yang whined, "Blaaaake. Pay attention to meeee." 

I ignored this as I continued to read, hiding a small smirk. Yang growled before a mischievous grin grew on her face. 

 "Okay, I guess I'll just go read too. I saw a book that was quite interesting earlier. Something about ninjas and something about love?" 

My eyes shot up from my book, glaring as my tone was a playful growl, " you wouldn't dare, fiend."

Yang's grin turned Cheshire, her tone a devilish purr, "oh come on, don't be so moody kit-cat." 

"Did you just call me kit-cat?" 

 " Ye-P."

Yang giggles with amusement when those amber eyes turn into slits. I went to protest but refrained from doing so, knowing it wasn't worth giving fuel to fire. 

Yang leans in closer, her voice dropping into a more flirtatious tone, "what is it, Blakey? Cat got your tongue?"

I glared as I became flustered, Yang went to lean in further but was interrupted by someone pounding on the front door.

Yang groaned, getting up while she said, " alright, alright, don't get your panties in a bunch."

I rolled my eyes at that, blushing deeper when Yang winks at me before opening the door. There was a triad of Atlas military guys standing at the front door. 

The guy in the front, obviously the leader, spoke first, "Yang Xiao Long," He bows before continuing, "we have a special delivery for you."

Yang chirped, "y'all are finally here with my arm?" 

The leader nods, a faint smile on his rather stone-like face. "Yes, we have come to pick you up, Ms. Schnee's orders were to take you to the hospital for it to be assembled."

Yang could hardly contain her excitement. The thought of being able to fight to her full capacity once again sent a thrill throughout her. Though secretly, she still felt depressed about it. She thought that being cripple would then forever make her weak and pitiful. 

Regardless, Yang put on her most brilliant smile, and asked enthusiastically, "great! When can we get started?"

The leader replied, "well, we can do that right now if that's okay with you, Ms. Xiao Long. It won't take long, and it will not be painful."

Yang looked over at me, seeing how her smile was contagious as I met her gaze. Yang exclaimed, "I'm getting an arm! Blake, I'm finally getting a new arm!"

I stride on over and hug her, matching her excitement, "I'm glad!" 

I then asked timidly, with my ears down, "can I come along with you?"

Yang laughs, hugging me tightly. "Of course you can, I would love for you to join me, who else can I pester with cat jokes?" 

I rolled my eyes but felt less tense, knowing that I could be by her side, and by the looks of it, Yang felt the same way. 

The Atlas soldiers then escorted the two young huntresses to an Atlas Bullhead, making sure they were secure before heading out, taking them to Atlas.

After some time, they arrive at the hospital in Atlas. They are escorted inside where a room was being prepped for Yang's operation on her new arm. 

Yang seemed calm and relaxed on the outside, though I knew better. "Hey, it's going to be alright. Weiss wouldn't set this up for you if it wasn't going to work," I spoke as soothingly as possible. 

Yang looks down at me before pulling me into a tight hug, face buried into my hair. "I know, I know. Might as well get this done and over with."

I pat her back before letting the doctors lead Yang into a room. I sit down in a nearby chair while they prep Yang for surgery. Time went by while surgeons got the arm prepared to add the attachment.

The arm that they were going to affix was yellow and black, made up of the most durable metals Atlas could offer. Her matching Ember Celica that was found at Beacon was also attached to the arm. They made it so the arm could disconnect from her stump, making it easier to shower and sleep in. 

Meanwhile, I waited anxiously in the hallway, white-knuckled from clutching the armrests with a leg bouncing nervously. When I see one of the doctors from Yang's surgery come out, I instantly get up. Before I could ask, the doctor smiled and held his hand up. 

He eases my worries with a collected tone, "the surgery was a success. In fact, she should be getting up here shortly." 

I smiled softly, my shoulders relaxing before I saw Yang come flying out of the room, her brilliant smile lighting everything up. When Yang spotted me, she instantly darted over and enveloped me in a hug. 

Both girls don't even speak, and we knew what the other was thinking without having to. After a while, Yang pulls back to show off her arm. 

"Look at this bad thing, and I can actually do way more now than I could ever before!" 

I check it out before a guilty look passes through my eyes. Yang noticed and cupped my face between her hands.

"Hey, that wasn't your fault. It could never be your fault. I made the decision to do what I did, and I will do it over and over again. Because I can make that kind of choice, and no matter what, those choices will never be your fault." 

I choked back tears as I simply hugged Yang again. Yang smiles and pats my head, before muttering, "I'm really good at making you speechless kit-cat,"

I rolled my eyes with a faint blush. "Come on, let's go back home."

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