Chapter 3: Truths Told

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The air grew hot and tense, despite the fact that it was cold and clammy from the rain. I thought for sure Yang was going to hit me, but the impact never came. Instead, Yang's fist slams into the trunk of the tree beside my head, causing the tree to shatter around the impact zone and launch it a few feet back. There were even some parts of the tree and stump that charred, and some steam came from the heat of Yang's fist meeting the damp wood.

I slowly opened my eyes, shock, and relief evident in them. My amber eyes meet with now lilac eyes. I held my breath, as rain fell on us, the sky dark and purple, lightning streaking across the sky. I felt a little relieved that it was raining, because, for a few seconds, my face was scorching from Yang's fiery fist. Yang's chest now heaves, as her eyes start filling with hurt and sadness. 

Yang growls, spitting out, "you tore a hole in me. One that took my heart and made it hard to breathe and fight for anything. You took it when you abandoned me. I loved you, Blake, and I still do. But you left me behind, lost and in pain." 

My legs tremble, threatening to give out as I said softly and sincerely, "I'm really sorry Yang. I am more sorry than I could ever be. I regret leaving you, and it tore me up badly. I was the one that brought danger and misfortune to not only you but to everyone else. It hurt so much when you, the one that I love the most, was the one who dealt with the aftermath of my past."

Yang then starts crying. "We all are Blake! We all are always at risk, but that doesn't stop people from loving and living. We grow stronger together. We can't live in fear and pain because we think that we are bad luck or something with our past." 

I sagged in defeat, my voice was barely louder than the rain that patter around us, "I'm so sorry, I really am so sorry for causing you so much grief and pain. I want to fix it, I thought it did by leaving, but I know I didn't."

Yang sighs, firmly but gently gripping my upper arms. This time speaking more softly but urgently, "then don't leave. Don't abandon me again. I am supposed to be your partner through the thick and thin." 

Then, even more softly, "I love you, Blake."

Those words hit me like fresh air after being suffocated. I sob harder as I crumbled to the ground. Yang catches me and sits down with me in the rain and mud. I shake with my weeping as Yang cries with me, holding me ever so tightly.

Yang said into my raven-colored hair, "Blake, don't ever let me go, because I don't think I'll have the strength to let you go." 

I look up at her, "I promise Yang, I will never leave you again. I can never do that to you again or to myself. I am so sorry." 

Yang hugs me even tighter, me hugging back just as tightly. Yang is the one that calms down first, taking the lead as she states, "let's head back to town. We can head to my apartment for now."

I barely nod, Yang then indeed noticed my appearance then. I was too pale, too full of shadows. Yang knew, before she was going to pick me up, that she would feel nothing but barely muscle covered bones. 

"Blake, are you okay?" Yang's concerned voice drifted over me, who barely understood what she said. The world was still spinning, and sounds were beginning to blend together and ring. 

I meant to say, "yeah?" Instead, it came out as" Yee...uh?" At that moment, Yang knew that I wasn't okay at all. 

She chuckles in endearment, though a little irked that I was in such a state. She picks me up with ease, shaking her head. "Come on, Blakey, time to go home." 


I carried her easily, sighing as I thought about how much Blake went through. I understood Blake's thought process, though it didn't make it any easier to forgive her. I knew how much Blake was suffering, and how deep down, her actions were purely selfless in reason. It's just that her actions seemed selfish, how it looked like Blake was running away from her problems and future conflicts. 

However, I also knew how convinced and stubborn she was with the idea she had to be alone, that she had to take care of her own problems. Yet, a part of that drive, that passion for solving those things while also protecting others, is what made me fall for her to begin with. That with her sass, her wit, her quiet intelligence, and wisdom. 

After a while, I eventually reached the town and went straight for my apartment. I took Blake to her living room and gently set her down on the couch, thinking, "It looks like Blake is taking a CAT-nap." I snicker quietly as I grab a fresh pair of clothes for myself and Blake

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