Chapter 13: New Beginnings

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(Hey guys, I feel like continuing this story, sorry for the long wait, but I will continue to post. )
Blake was eventually released from the hospital, and a week later, she and Yang were hunting down Adam's whereabouts. 

(Yang POV)

"I really think we should go to Juniors Bar and get answers. " I said as Blake was furiously typing away on her laptop. 

She has been overexerting herself lately, making me worried about her. It's not the first time she has done this, but I was actually able to talk her out of it then. 

Blake said, "I can find him on here, just give me time, Yang."

I sighed, thinking about how in the past week, she hasn't slept or eaten anything right. It frustrated me, and we weren't going to be able to find Adam at this rate. 

"Blakey, please, you have to take a break, remember when I told you not to let the search control you?" I asked as I gently rubbed her back. 

Blake echoed my sigh as she slammed her fist into the table. “But I must find him. Innocent lives are at stake."

At this point, I was getting indignant, but I kept my cool before stating, "I know that, but we aren't going to be able to with you like this. You need to take a break and then come back with a new mindset."

Blake was going to argue, but I cut her off, "please Blakey, at least just take a breather, eat something and rest. For me." 

I looked at her pleadingly, giving her a warm smile as she looked right back. After taking a deep breath, she said, "fine, but I will continue this later."

I happily smiled as I engulfed her in a hug, pulling her off her seat and to me as I buried my face into her soft hair. 

I murmured to her softly, "thank you, Blake, you have no idea how much this means to me."

I felt her hug me back, her arms hooking around my neck before she said, "I am sorry for being so stubborn."

I chuckled, feeling amused by her needlessly apologizing. I replied, "you are going through a rough time, no need to be sorry. I'm just glad I am here for you."

I felt her smile against my neck before I gently pulled back a little. I ruffled her hair, playfully being stern when I said, "let's get some food into you."

Blake scoffed but nodded as she followed me into the kitchen. I simply laugh when I see her fixing her hair, giving her an innocent look, which in turn, earns me a glare. I then started making noodles and fried some panfish. 

I mischievously smirked as I looked over at her, "look, kit-cat, I am making your favorite FISH-tastic meal." 

I snickered when she rolled her eyes and shook her head in wry amusement, " Yang, no. Just no."

I chuckled, even more, going even further," or what, you will PUN-ish me?" 

Blake face-palmed, shaking her head. 

I frowned slightly, I wasn't actually upset, just playfully pouting, giving her puppy eyes.

"Come on, don't be so serious Blakey, I'm just joking around."

Blake smiled, her resolve weakening as she replied, "I know that you are, Yang."

I gave her a megawatt smile before I continued cooking. She sat on the counter, watching me as I finished up. 

"Here you go kit-cat," I said as I handed her her meal.

She glared slightly before gracefully yet digging into her food hungrily. I suppressed a smirk as I waited for her to finish. She was so adorable and precious, and I couldn't help but start smiling softly. She contently patted her stomach as I finally couldn't prevent myself from saying mischievously, "that meal must have been PURR-fect for you."

Blake glared as she rolled her eyes. She gave me the silent treatment as I put on my puppy dog face. I walked right up to her as I stood between her legs, pulling her face up to mine by her chin.

"Don't ignore me, Blakey, I just had to make the joke." 

She looked at me but then playfully away as I smiled giddily before hugging her firmly. I felt her melt into my embrace as she hugged back. 

I smiled, pulling back scantily before kissing her gently on the lips. I felt her instantly kissing me back as she intertwined her hands into my hair. 

It felt the same as the first time, sparks flying and an electric rush going down my spine. I deepened the kiss softly as I pulled her closer to me, my hands on her waist.

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