Chapter 2: The Great Encounter

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I was sprinting out of the city, finally letting tears stream down my face. I hated myself so much, and I couldn't stop thinking of how much I failed everyone. How much I was a disaster and of how I seemed cursed with bringing harm to others. I knew I should have stayed away from everyone and everything. I was foolish to think that I was better off with them in that school. 

I simply couldn't stand myself anymore. Why must I be bad luck? Why must everyone I get attached to get poisoned by my past and change their lives for the worse? I sob as I run through the forest that was located outside of the city, not really seeing nor hearing what's around me. Only thoughts of her followed me. I weep as I skid to a stop, slid down a tree, and pulls my knees up to my chin as I shake. I was already drenched from the outrageous downpour that made the world around me seem gloomy and dark.

I was like that for a while, staring at nothing as I eventually stopped crying. I was feeling hollow and numb as I grew distant, even more so with herself. I had dark circles around my eyes and sunken cheeks from lack of self-care. With the nightmares tormenting my sleep, therefore causing a lack of appetite, I felt weak, yet I didn't want to admit it. 

I shook slightly, the cold seeping into my bones, but I was beyond caring about myself. I was just about to close my eyes before a loud BANG rang throughout the whole forest. A few more followed, and I was quick to recognize them as shotgun blasts. They sounded all too familiar. 

I shot to her feet and looked around, thinking maybe I was going crazy now. With my heart pounding and breaths coming in pants, I then spotted her above the treeline. She came crashing to the ground, causing mud and rocks to explode into the air. She then stood up from her crouch, her long curly hair brilliantly giving off a fiery luminescence. Her usually lilac-colored eyes were now a harsh red glow; they seemed to tear through me in rage and pain. 

Her radiant, voluptuous form seemed to pierce the wretched rain surrounding them. She wore gray cargo pants paired with white (now mud-stained) shoes.  She had a tight orange tank-top that barely came to her pants. Her right arm ended in a stump that was tightly wrapped in bandages. She also had a gray jacket tied around her waist that was dripping water. 

I then met her gaze, seeing how her lips were pulled back in a snarl. I felt my heart just shattering into pieces, not breathing correctly with the world somewhat rolling around me. I knew what was coming for me, fully accepting my fate. I knew that I had ruined this girl's life and that in return, now my own was at stake. 

I went to speak up, to apologize, "Yang, I-"

Yang snarls, "you just left me! Why?! Why did you just randomly go off?! You left me here all alone!" She started storming towards me, who was trembling and speechless.

"Why!!? Just answer me!! Was I anything to you?! Was I ever important to you?! What did I do to deserve that?! To deserve you abandoning me!? I have always cared about you, and I still care about you. I didn't care if you are a Faunus or had extra baggage. I was always there for you; I still am!! Why did you go?!"

I, whose ears were flattened, and could barely stand defended myself," I only did what I thought was right! You didn't deserve to have me around after what happened. I was doing what was best, and that was leaving everyone. I'm only danger to-"

Yang cuts me off, "you thought to leave was going to help?! What about me, and how I needed you? I spent days feeling hopeless and scared." 

I could barely talk, my throat was closing up with how hard I was crying, "I am sorry Yang! I am so sorry!! When that incident happened, I was scared. I got so close to you, forgetting that my past was on my tail. Then it came, and I ended up hurting you. I didn't want it to happen again, and that you wouldn't want me around again, ever."

Yang growls as she shoves me against the tree, causing the tree to crack under the pressure as rain continues pouring. "Didn't want you around?! I needed you! Not Ruby or Qrow, or dad, I needed you! I could care less about losing an arm. I could care less about what your past would bring. What hurts me the most was you abandoning me!!" 

Yang then lets out a shout of frustration as she goes to swing at me. Her eyes glowed brighter, her hair burning even hotter, nearly turning white with its luminescent. Her fiery, burning first was coming at me as I braced myself for impact, eyes flinching, and body shaking.

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