Chapter 14: Interruptions

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With my hands on Blake's waist, I pressed my body closer to hers. She was so soft and warm against me, and I wanted more of her. Deepening the kiss, I followed the outline of her body with my hands, hiking up her shirt in the process. I heard her give a small gasp when I did that, smirking a little at the reaction. I was finally going to divulge in her, show her how much I love, and wanted her.

Though before I could do so, her scroll went off. I wanted to ignore it, but instead, I reluctantly pulled away. I playfully rolled my eyes at her, and teasingly said, " I guess everyone wants to cock-block us, aye?" 


I groaned at her words, feeling flustered and embarrassed before pulling my scroll out. I recognized the caller I.D. as my mothers, immediately answering it as Yang looked at me with curiosity and concern in her gaze.

"Mom? Hey, what's going on? Is everything okay?" I was instantly worried and anxious about her call, for she usually sticks with letters and emails. 

"Everything is okay honey, it's just we found out about what happened with Adam and wanted to see if you're okay, " my mom answered warmly, I could hear the motherly concern in her voice. 

I decided to respond honestly, knowing that it was for the best, "honestly, mom, I'm more messed up than ever. He nearly got away with killing me, but I wasn't going to go down without a fight. I'm lucky though; Yang was the one that found me and got me to a hospital in time. Without her, I probably wouldn't be talking now. And without her, I wouldn't be doing and feeling a lot better than I ever have."

I was looking at Yang the entire time when I was replying. I think most of it was geared more toward her than my mom as I could see that Yang was both smiling and fighting off tears. I cupped her cheek with my free hand as I wiped away the one tear that did fall. I gave her a tender smile as I heard my mom sigh with relief. 

"I'm happy that she was there for you. We should really meet her in person, dearie. In fact, you should visit us in general. We haven't seen you in a while," she scolded me humorously, making me roll my eyes.

"Alright, alright. I will, Yang, and I will get ready now to come out that way. Just tell Dad to take it easy on Yang; no need to have an interrogator."

I heard mom laugh before she replied, I could visualize her rolling her eyes too, "okay honey, I'll try my best to keep him reeled in. See you in a few days. I love you."

"I love you too, mom. I promise that we will be careful on our way there." I hung up as Yang was studying me, a soft smile on her lips.

She tilted her head as she chirped, "well? Am I going to meet the PAW-some parents of my girlfriend?" 

I sighed in exasperation before playfully shoving her. I got down from the counter as I went to take care of my dishes. I replied as I rinsed off my bowl, "yes, you are finally going to meet my parents. Just promise me you will be on your best behavior."

Yang looped her arms around my waist from behind as she nuzzled my neck, humming into it. I immediately tensed up, but for a good reason. 

She then said with amusement in her tone, "I have no idea what you are talking about, I'm always on my best behavior."

Resisting the urge to either kiss or push her, I settled in replying mirthfully, "sure, Yang, sure." I turned my head to face her, giving her a more serious look.

She chuckles at my expression, poking my nose before honestly responding, "I know, I know. I will be using my best manners. I mean, in all seriousness, I'll be quite respectful, gotta love the parents that created such a wonderful being." 

I blush at her response, going to protest before Yang firmly kisses me again. She pulls away to message the area between my eyebrows with her index finger. 

"You worry too much, kit-cat. Everything is going to be just fine. I'll meet your parents, they will undoubtedly love me, and it will be a fun time." 

I relax at her words, smiling before playfully elbowing her in the side. I have to take a jab at her response, of course, as I quoted, "undoubtedly love you?" I then go on with, "are you just counting your chickens before they hatch?" 

Yang said with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "no, I was just thinking I will HANDle the situation PUN-tastically." She holds up her mechanical hand while snickering.

I facepalm at her joke as I try to fight off a laugh. "I suppose that if any issue came up, you could put some elbow grease into it."

We both end up dying of laughter, using each other to hold our ground. 

Before we knew it, we were on our way across the sea, heading towards Menagerie. Both were not expecting what was beyond the horizon, the left of the story yet to unfold. 

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