Chapter 6: The Nightmare

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(This chapter contains graphic, violent scenes that could be triggering. Please continue at your own risk.)


I eventually woke up after being tranquilized, vision still slightly blurry as I had to blink my amber-gold eyes several times to clear them. Memories crash back into me, taking the air out of my lungs momentarily. The lovely day with Yang, going to the bar and then Adam showing up to kidnap me. 

I sit up slowly, and I am sitting on a blanket that's placed on the cold concrete floor. My hands were shackled behind me, chained to the cement wall. Except for the metal door, the room was nothing but cement. There was a flickering light above me that was barred up, and then there was a small window above me. It was rather odd in its placement, and it was located against the ceiling. But at the moment, I needed to take stock of myself. 

I wasn't hurt, I could tell that much, but my head was cloudy from being drugged. I knew yelling for anyone would be hopeless; Adam wasn't that stupid. So instead, I sat in utter silence as I hoped for answers and my savior. 

The silence was broken by someone entering the room. A familiar face appeared,  followed by a dry, raspy voice. "You are finally awake, my love." 

I tensed upon seeing him, my words coming out in a hiss, "what do you want, Adam?" 

I glared at him, but fear spiked down my spine and pulsed in my veins. My eyes track every movement he made, already prepared for anything.

"You inquire such a trivial question. You, of course, my darling," he replied in a dark tone as he smirked. 

I loathed his nicknames for me and had quit long ago telling him otherwise. Instead, I tried poking holes in his reasoning.

"I will never be yours, Adam. I also know you wouldn't kidnap me for that reason." 

Adam dryly chuckled as he sauntered up to me and grabbed my chin. "

"Oh, Blake, you'll always be mine. No matter how far you run from me or try to hide from me, I will always find you. You always belong to me." 

I jerked my face from his grasp, my eyes still in slits. How could he ever think that I belonged to him? After everything he has done.

 "I stopped being yours when you started to change. I stopped being yours when I ran away. I'll never be yours, and I will never go back to your  side." 

Adam maliciously smiled when he spoke next, "don't lie to me, my love. If you can't see that you belong by my side through words, then I will simply have to go with actions." 

Adam starts wickedly, chuckling, shaking his head at me as if I were too stupid to grasp his words. I swallowed hard, my heart pounding. My voice trembled when I spoke up, though I kept my tone as neutral as possible, "what are you planning to do?"

My question makes him suddenly stop laughing, that same sinister smile returning as he takes a step back. His head tilts as if deciding his approach. His tone went dark then, a small smirk on his lips as he said, "Anything I want my love. First, I need to know something, and if you don't give me answers, I will make you regret it." 

I tried to appear unaffected, but I couldn't help the tremor of fear that went down my spine. My voice was still surprisingly loud when I managed to speak up, "why would I give you any answers? Just let me go." 

Adam sensed my fear and saw the tremor, which caused his smirk to widen. 

"First, tell me where I can find the specialized crates of Dust and military-grade gear." 

I was completely thrown off by the question before anger slowly settled in. I stopped being his lookout many years ago. Why would I know anything about the Atlas military and their supplies? 

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I said truthfully. 

Adam growled as he backhand slapped me hard across the face, pain erupted as I felt my nose break and my lip bust open. I bit back a cry of pain as blood slowly trickled down my chin. 

He then demanded, "don't lie to me! Tell me where I can find them!" 

I hissed as I snapped back at him, "I don't know! I never heard of new crates or of Atlas supplies. As I said, I don't work for you anymore." 

Adam growls as his fist slammed into my stomach, forcing the air out of my lungs, hissing at him when I could get air back in.

"Tell me! Or I will make you pay!" He angrily shouts, landing another sickening punch. 

I tried to curl into a ball to protect my stomach as I replied, "I am not lying! I seriously don't know!"

Adam kicked at my right leg, trying to break it but only achieved bruising it.  I cried out as I paled from the pain. 

"You are so stubborn. Oh, I know, maybe I should hurt Yang," he said, dryly cackling as he smirks, bending down to grab my chin.

"I will make her scream after you pay for everything you have caused me. But first, you need to know that you are mine, not hers." 

He kissed my cheek as my hands strained against my shackles; I didn't like him even touching me, let alone kissing me when it should be Yang.

 He smirks at my response while mockingly saying,  "excited for me already love?" 

I hissed as I spat on his face, teeth-gritting when I spoke, "get off me! I am not yours!" 

Adam growled, moving his hand to yank up on my hair painfully. 

"You will pay for that, you dirty little whore." 

He then painfully squeezed my bruised leg as I screamed out in pain. Adam pulled away, standing up as he said triumphantly, "you will learn not to resist me."

He gave me one last look before he left the room; I could hear him laughing down the hall even. Gasping in pain, I situated myself, managing to sit in a better position. I let out a shaky breath as I finally broke down, trembling as I simply hoped Yang was on her way.

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