Chapter 9: The Extrication

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My small prison slowly grew dim, and I knew that I needed to leave and that I needed to go now. I start by tearing up one of the blankets I was on into strips to wrap the leg in. After wrapping my leg, I slowly stood up on my good leg, leaning against the wall. I pant as pain shoots through me like dull burning knives.

I then steadied myself, knowing the next part would be hard. I had to get out of my shackles, which, with my semblance, shouldn't be too hard. Though I couldn't afford to be too confident about it, I was losing a decent amount of blood and had a stabbed leg. So with a steadying breath, I launch forward with what little strength I had, using a shadow clone to break free.

I then slowly wrapped the rest of the blanket around myself, since most of my clothes were ripped and covered in my own blood. I could tell that Adam thought I wouldn't be able to get away and foolishly left my weapon by the door. I gritted my teeth as I got on my hands and slightly good knee and crawled towards my weapon. After a few short moments, I manage to grab it and use it as a crutch to stand up. I then limped over to the window, groaning quietly as the room slightly rolled around me.

It was only right above my head, but it was only big enough to squeeze through. I gasp in short breaths, leaning against the wall so that I could swing my weapon above my head and shatter the window to pieces. Knowing fully well that it would go unheard since the walls were thick concrete.

I then hooked my Gambol Shroud on the window, and with a short cry of pain and coughing up blood, I pulled myself up and used the chains that were in the wall as foot leverage as I squeezed through the window, whimpering in pain. As I pull myself out, it turns out that I was apparently in a basement of a massive high-rise. I dragged myself across the ground, away from the basement window. I pant weak gasps of breath, which were very painful as a coughing fit came up, blood coating the insides of my mouth. I felt dead, every part of me throbbed, breaths shallow and sharp, my vision becoming a blur.

I knew though that I needed to put distance between me and the building. I took in my surroundings and realized that I was still in Mantle. I could tell by the buildings I was by and the street signs. The night was slowly coming as I could tell it was roughly 9 o'clock.

I planned to go home somehow, which shouldn't be far guessing by where I was located, and call Yang. I knew it was going to be hell getting there but got to my feet, using my weapon as a cane as I slowly made my way forward. I went through alleyways and deserted streets, trying to stay out of sight.

I felt myself growing weaker by the second, losing blood, and my vision became worse. Four more blocks to go, but I knew that I wasn't going to make it as my body gave out and I fell hard on my stomach, face hitting the pavement as everything became one swirl around me, coughing weakly. I managed to try to cover myself more with the blanket so that I wasn't easy to spot, just in case Adam came looking for me.

I thought to myself that this was it; this is where I die. But then the thought of him getting to Yang was so powerful that I nearly had the strength to get up. Sadly my arms couldn't hold me up as they shuddered before giving out. I heave and pant from the effort, not sure if it was me or the night darkening in my vision.

"No...this can't be it. I just got her back... I can't go down like this...please..."


I was driving still, deciding to take the back streets so I could be faster. I was still angry from my talk with Adam, but my heart was wrenched from hearing Blake's scream, as it seemed to replay over and over in my head. I missed Blake so much, and it only made me feel sick that I couldn't have prevented him from taking her from the start.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I nearly hit the black figure on the ground in front of me. I screeched to a stop by the figure as I got off my bike.

I said impatiently, "helllo? The street is not a good place to sleep, ya know." I poked the figure with my toe, sighing exasperatedly.

"Heellooo? Anybody home?"

I was getting annoyed as I angrily tore away the blanket covering the figure. I then gasped as the world spun for a moment as waves of relief and horror crashed into me.

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