Chapter 7: Evil Intentions

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(This chapter contains graphic, violent scenes that could be triggering. Please continue at your own risk.)


I was riding my motorcycle, Bumblebee. I was aimlessly going around the city in my search for Blake. I felt a burning rage at Adam, but at the same time, I was worried sick for Blake and what she was going through. I just hope that I can find her in time before it's too late. Before she goes through something she can never recover from.

I had been searching the whole town for hours, non-stop. Just when I came close to losing hope in finding Blake, my scroll went off, beeping and vibrating.

I power-slide to a stop as I pulled the scroll out and recognized the caller I.D. as Blake's. I nearly fell off my bike from joy as I answered, "BLAKE! Where the hell are you? Are you okay? I am so glad you are calling me."

I was smiling before Adams' raspy dry voice answered me, "hello, Yang."

I growled as I yelled at him, "tell me where she is!! Tell me now, or when I find you, I will torture you, motherfucking ass-."

Adam cuts me off abruptly as he said, "I will tell you where you can find her. Firstly, I need something, and I need dust and lots of it. But it has to be the enhanced dust. If you don't give me a valid location of where to find it by midnight," he paused, pressing his foot on Blake's leg as she screamed.

I jolt, feeling sick as I could tell that my eyes were turning red from the pure rage that was continuously building.

I then shrieked, "stop! Don't you mother fucking hurt her again, you asshole!"

Adam cackled villainously before he replied," I will message you with her location if you give me that Dust site. We have a deal?"

I growled into the receiver, "deal." I hung up, calming myself before I revved up Bumblebee, launching off into the setting sun.


Adam dropped my scroll before he smashed it to pieces. He turned to me then, who has suffered more in the last 6 hours since I woke up. I had bruised ribs along with a badly swollen bruised face at this point. I had cuts on my arms and torso, which steadily seeped blood into my clothes.

Adam sickeningly grinned as he said, "It looks like you never learn, do you?!"

Adam loudly growled as he brought his sword at me, he was going to stab me in the heart but couldn't do it, so instead, he missed it and nicked my lung.

Adam pulled out his sword as he said to the guard," put her in the chamber."

I whimpered as I coughed up a little blood. I struggled to breathe correctly and couldn't even cry out in pain when the guard yanked me to my feet by my hair. He dragged me to the so-called chamber before he tossed me inside as he slammed the door shut. This room was only 4 square feet and 6 feet in height.

I moved so that I can prop myself up against the wall as Adam said to me over the intercom," like your new room, my love? Good, it's a... particular room. You'll see what it can do in a second."

He maniacally laughs before cutting the transmission. The room suddenly starts filling with water rapidly as I hissed, trying to stand but fails as the water is soon at my chin. I begin to panic as I am frantically breathing, which came out in short little gasps and coughs.

The water strangely stopped bellow my chin though, but the temperature seemed to drop rapidly, soon I'm shaking and blue-lipped. As quickly as the temperature had dropped, it started to increase. I moaned as the water turned scalding hot. I start to scream but is cut off by coughing up a little bit of blood. The water drained after what seems like forever, but this only marked the beginning of what was to come.

(Sorry if this triggers anyone, this fanfic is labeled as mature, but if you have any suggestions to make it sound better, feel free to message me.)

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